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Devotionals on Life Transformation

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Devotionals on Life Transformation

God is merciful. He desires all to come to Him rather than spend an eternity in hell.

True beauty can't be bought. It's best acquired from a heavenly source.

Jesus is no longer in the tomb and He is literally seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for you and me. What does this mean, and apply...

A nation stands on the edge of a precipice, and the choice is clear: revival or judgment. Their fate hangs in the balance as they teeter on this...

God has promised us that in all things He works for the good of those who love him. What the enemy intends for evil, God uses for good! David’s life...

The world needs Jesus today. Will they meet Him when they meet you? If you’re not happy with your answer, find out what this means: the resurrection...

Words, whether positive or negative, can either inspire or depress us. But we also have the power to receive or reject those words. Our response will...

What is the common link between a pineapple and the Holy Spirit? The author pondered the same question and shares a new revelation about a common...

What is a sacrifice? Is it giving up the small luxuries we find comfort in, such as a streaming platform to binge-watch our favorite shows or a cup...

What do you believe is the true cost of following Christ? Salvation is a free gift. Why would being a Christian mean it would be any different? Join...


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