Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Miracles

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Devotionals on Miracles

Faith is the opposite of logic. In all the Bible stories where there was great faith, logic was disproved.

For some of us, admitting any kind of need is difficult because we’re too invested in having it all together, or at least looking like it....

Who do we surround ourselves with, and why? Do we give our trust to critical people who focus on who we have been, rather than who we are becoming?...

Have you ever experienced a miracle in your life? Those moments when the seemingly impossible becomes a reality, when divine intervention defies...

What does having faith in God look like in your life? Can you trust Him to provide for your needs, or do you doubt He'll care for you in the ways you...

Often, it’s easy to think of the stories of the Bible as mystical or far-off, not something that could happen in our lives. But that couldn’t be...

When I was headed for a collision, Jesus climbed into my red car and it stopped spinning out of control. No matter what situation we may find...

To have a cold or a sore throat for a few days is uncomfortable. To be diagnosed with cancer can feel completely unbearable. Illness, in any form,...

When we are in times of economic uncertainty with rising inflation, gas prices, housing expenses, and grocery costs, we do not need to worry....

In the midst of Hurricane Katrina's devastation, a family discovered the profound impact of a precious item buried beneath their new home. Their...


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