Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Nature and animals

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Devotionals on Nature and animals

The Spirit of God propels us to run when we feel like quitting.

All the poisonous plants in my garden reminded me of the destructive weeds of the flesh.

Staying nestled under God’s wings provides a safe refuge from storms and predators while giving us rest and renewal.

Some people have dogs that follow them everywhere; not me, I had a duck!

Is there any area in our lives that we have left cracked, where the enemy can get in?

Implanted within every living creature is a purposed individual identity for which it was created, the total blueprint of its life form.

People can be stubborn - sometimes for prudent reasons and sometimes purely for self-indulgence.

Remember the good times and take joy in fond memories as you allow time to weaken any grief you may carry.

As the home fills with the scent of a Thanksgiving meal, we all eagerly await the moment we can partake.

When you pursue your goals and dreams in life, you will inevitably encounter resistance.


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