Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Peace

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Devotionals on Peace

The word thanks is probably one of the shortest words, but it carries a big meaning. How many times do we forget to give thanks? How many times do we...

How often do we consider all the things God does for us? Many times we only talk or think about them when He gives us what we want and life looks...

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by anger? God’s Word is clear that as our loving Father, He does not desire us to be burdened by anger. When we...

If we are honest with ourselves, we get carried away with work, social activities, family, ambitious ventures, mindless scrolling and watching our...

When I read Psalm 23 and think about the Lord being our shepherd, I often think of my grandmother's sister and her sheep. A restored soul overflows...

Experience remarkable peace from the Holy Spirit when you worship the Lord in the midst of your difficulties. You'll feel His love like never before...

Amid circumstances that don’t seem to add up and life trials we have no explanation for, we can find peace in knowing that God’s plan for us is...

Patience can be hard! Patient trust in the Lord is worth it, though ... and possible. There are seasons when we all may struggle with trusting His...

Jesus said that His followers were the salt of the earth. In that day, salt was a highly valuable commodity—not just a seasoning. How does this...

You can't keep burning the candle at both ends. We were made for a rhythm of rest, which brings new perspective, new commitment to a calling, and...


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