Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Peace

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Devotionals on Peace

With heartfelt candor, Henry W. Longfellow wrote, "For hate is strong and mocks the song, of peace on earth, good will to men."

There is no room for Jesus in our hearts when we’re rushing around, pushing to get more done, and trying so hard to make people happy.

Manmade and natural disasters don’t keep to a schedule. Get ready to let God shine through you at a moment’s notice.

We all have fear. The enemy wants to paralyze us with it.

Sometimes God allows us to struggle long before he sends help.

God’s agricultural laws of sowing and reaping burst forth with fruits, vegetables, and grains.

I've heard it said that each of us has a hole in the heart that only God can fill. 

 “Why has God done this to me?” was this woman's question from her hospital bed. 

In the same way we enjoy spending time with our children, God is pleased when we spend time with Him.

Would Jesus really want to hear of my worry about Pasadena beetles having the potential to chew up my palm tree leaves? I doubted it.


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