Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Spiritual maturity

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Devotionals on Spiritual maturity

Do you feel that you need to perform well to be loved? Do you feel the pressure of living up to an ideal self?

In God's house there are many vessels, some set out to bring honor and glory to God, others for base tasks. Yet, BOTH are in the house, meaning they...

Living in a desert creates a constant, desperate need for water. Our souls have the same need for Living Water.

What stands in the way of putting God first in your life?

God gently prunes His children's lives to help them grow.

Is there any area in our lives that we have left cracked, where the enemy can get in?

As the officer took my license and registration and walked to his car, my young son began peppering me with questions.

Many assumed that the iceberg had ripped a long gash in the Titanic's hull. When the wreck was recovered in 1985, no such tear was found.

How we dress matters. But Christians are called to get beyond appearances and circumstances in determining how we treat people and how we value them...

If we keep turning back to the world's comforts, we simply cannot grow in our relationship with Christ.


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