Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Thankfulness

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Devotionals on Thankfulness

People need memorial occasions to reflect on and pay tribute to those who have gone before us. As you celebrate this Memorial Day holiday, generate a...

When Moses was an infant, his mother put him in a basket and let him sail on down the river. Why? Because she loved him. Otherwise, he would have...

The story in Luke 17 begins with 10 villagers hollering from a distance, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” — pleading for healing from leprosy....

Being thankful is difficult when we are facing trials and hardships. And sometimes, it really isn't the first thing on our mind when we go to the...

In Christ, we can have a heart of thanksgiving through every circumstance—even a flood. This Thanksgiving, turn your heart towards God in...

The word thanks is probably one of the shortest words, but it carries a big meaning. How many times do we forget to give thanks? How many times do we...

Do you have days where you don’t feel like God is good? Maybe you woke up today and God’s promises didn’t feel true. Join us on a journey...

As I stood on the stone steps of Joppa looking at the hoary wooden door, reading the sign that says House of Simon the Tanner’s, I couldn’t help but...

Luke 11 tells us a story where we see an example of extravagant, heartfelt thanks. In an instant, Jesus heals ten lepers who were begging on the side...

It’s important to take time and remind ourselves of what God has already said and promised— what He expects of us and what we can expect of Him. This...


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