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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on judging others

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Devotionals on judging others

Life’s demands exhaust us and God’s solution is found in the story of these sisters.

Why do we often answer, "I'm fine" when the honest answer would be much different?

Pride doesn’t have to end in failure; God can prune it to yield greater usefulness.

I was guilty of turning into a believer in name only, who chose to avoid a meaningful and purposeful relationship with my Lord.

When we hang on to judgment of another person, we bind that person to the very conditions we want to see changed.

How can we truly become people who live out Jesus' example of loving people unconditionally?

I certainly did not consult with the Lord about what to do. I simply had done what I wanted to do.

When I questioned the Lord's management of my problems, I was treading on shaky ground.

We can all learn from the Apostle Paul as he himself struggled with the problem of the almighty "I".

God rarely misses an opportunity to teach us and this day he used a flattened, dead squirrel.


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