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Devotionals on thankfulness

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Devotionals on thankfulness

One spiritual question many people wrestle with is why good people sometimes suffer, while so many bad people prosper?

It would be good to do a heart-check to make sure our worship is in the right place.

Rarely would I pick up a hitchhiker these days, but I felt the leading of the Holy Spirit to offer him a ride. I pulled over.

Thank you for your undivided attention to me, treating me as your only child when I'm talking, even though you have countless children.

It is hard to condemn the nine healed lepers who failed to show Jesus their gratitude when I think of the many times I have forgotten to thank God.

Christ's resurrection is also our resurrection. Christ's death on the cross was also our death on the cross.

I realize now that the Easter celebration I grew up with was all about me: my appearance, my stash of goodies, my fun day.

Utter humility and profound thankfulness to God are inevitable once you understand the Gospel.

Countries go to war and couples go to divorce court over mere words. The tongue is a weapon, that's for sure.

What could ever make it difficult to share how God gave you a life-saving miracle? This.


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