Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on worship

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Devotionals on worship

God inhabits the praises of His people and Jesus is present where two or more are gathered in His name. Lift up praises in the storm.

One thing we can all decide to do today, though, is take a few minutes and celebrate Father’s Day with our Heavenly Father. Tell Him what He means to...

Christians' bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and there's a special place inside for an altar to the Lord.

If the Lord gives wisdom to whales and artists, we can be confident He will provide the wisdom and guidance we need for the challenges in our lives.

I sang many hymn lyrics about the blood of Jesus but never knew why His blood being shed was so important.

Noel is a French word originating from Latin meaning "birthday."

Remember this two-step plan from God’s Word when you are all shook up.

Keeping focus in our prayer time can be tough. These tips will help you.

To worship in spirit and in truth is to worship the Father in the Holy Spirit with the salvation that Jesus provides.

Jesus gave His children five "Me” verses that reveal how to live “the simplicity in Christ.”


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