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Bible Teachings on christian life

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Bible Teachings on christian life

Jesus' last instructions to His disciples before He ascended to His Father were in relation to witnessing.

One of the most subtle ways that Satan can wreck your faithful witness is to tempt you to harbor a grudge or to nurse feelings of self-pity.

It is vital we keep ourselves spiritually intelligent by studying, learning and knowing the Word of God. Here are some verses to help support the...

Being "nonjudgmental" is considered a virtue these days. Odd, isn't it, since people hire golf pros and personal fitness trainers to critique and...

Though the world pushes frustration, sin, and hopelessness at you – there is inspiration to live and know what is to come is eternity. God is...

We often assume that to have humility, we have to think very little of ourselves.

Christianity has a reputation for being the "don't" religion — a killjoy faith designed to keep people from enjoying their lives. Nothing could be...

Why be like Obed-Edom? His choices and his life led to blessings for himself and his family. Let us, together, learn who he was and about his life.

Look at Coronavirus through the lens of God's Word and let it impact the way we live.

The Bible is water to our spirit, gives us energy, clears the mind, and satisfies our soul. The world offers many counterfeits to the wholeness...


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