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Bible Teachings on success

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Bible Teachings on success

To balance out the "work hard and succeed" promises of the Book of Proverbs, the Book of Ecclesiastes assures us that human beings cannot find their...

Debt, whether associated with poverty or not, is a form of slavery. Following God's principles will break the hold of both poverty and debt.

The Bible is a spiritual book, but not so spiritual that money doesn't matter.

Character is important in shaping who we are and who we are in Christ. Here are some solid words of scripture to validate its importance.

None of us knows when we’re going to die. But it’s a fact that we will die.

The worst kind of pride is spiritual pride. Jesus understood this, knowing that people who appear religious can be incredibly vain.

Martin Luther defined faith as "a living, daring confidence in God's grace." It is such an important element in the good life that we refer to our...

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