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Videos on Death

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Videos on Death

Author, John Burke, has researched over 1,000 near death experiences over the last 30 years. The amazing discoveries about the character of God and...

At the height of success, the country music star chose a major change after tragedy struck his family.

Joshua's life was marked by tragedy, sending him down the path of destruction and blaming God.

After losing her father during the 9/11 attack, Kayla struggled to understand & process her grief.

Dealing with the excruciating pain of his daughter's murder, Dave chose forgiveness to set him free.

A series of tragic deaths pushes pastor, Rob Schwinge, and his family to the edge of despair. When God shows Rob that he is trying to endure this...

Born a female, to the detriment of her father, Trish Choyke endured his verbal and physical violence until she finally succumbed to his pressure and...

Rick died at the back of church one Sunday morning during service. The power and unity of the congregation's prayers brought Rick back to...

After years trying to cope with the pain of losing his younger brother, Dylan Hamm was on the verge of taking his own life when he cried out to God,...

As a young mother, Christina Holt experienced the tragic loss of her husband. Watch how God restores her heart, allowing Christina to trust in His...


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