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Videos on Life transformation

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Videos on Life transformation

Eric made a great salary, but his paycheck went to buy things he didn’t need. Although his bank account was full, his heart was always empty. See how...

More than a decade of addiction and gang activity left Robert Ortega feeling depleted and broken. While he attended church in between episodes of...

A simple present from his mother, a Gideon’s Bible, opened the door of opportunity for Jeff Tomlinson, who battled both addiction and the making and...

Cristina Baker was counseling others while her own life was unraveling apart. Watch how an invitation presents itself for healing and total life...

Jerry grew up in a household without authority or structure. Once he took to the streets, he found victimizing others as his “payback,” and the...

Sharon Dutra fended for herself by surviving on the streets, addicted to whatever drug would cover up the rejection she felt. While incarcerated, a...

Tragedy and the lure of the world trapped both Terrell and Brandy in the underbelly society of drugs and crime. When a Christian man introduced the...

October 1, 2021 marks 60 years Pat’s vision came to fruition to take the gospel around the world through the art of science and television.

A negative statement made by a case worker had Todd believe he had messed up for good. Just a teenager, Todd rectified in his mind that if he couldn'...

For years Gary sought escape from pain in endless drug binges, but when the word of God planted itself in his heart, he knew where to turn when he...


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