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Videos on Suicide

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Videos on Suicide

Amanda Reed's severe stomach pains baffled doctors and derailed her life until a prayer on TV caught her attention.

Patty finds that chasing after worldly things does not bring the peace that she ultimately discovers in Jesus Christ.

It seemed inevitable that Vanessa Hollins would find herself inheriting the lifestyle of drugs and the New Age religion that she raised with. After a...

First his mother overdosed. Then his friend committed suicide. With his heavy drug and alcohol use, John should have been next...

A home-wrecker and a drunk, Karen hated herself and what she had become. Would God give her another chance?

Lynne believed she was fatally flawed. After several failed marriages, she decided to take her life.

His anger toward God eventually led him to dark places.

Susan Krabacher was a Playboy bunny who lived the wild lifestyle. Now, in her own words, she shares the testimony of how she escaped Playboy mansion...

Surrounded by seven cops, a depressed Tommy McGouey had staged “the perfect suicide”. He drew his weapon fully expecting to be shot down. But God had...

A tortuous tour in Vietnam left Randy Webb paranoid and addicted to the rush of shooting up with drugs. As his sanity slowly slipped away, so did his...


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