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Videos on Teaching

Michael Little leads the staff to pray for the needs of our partners. Lisa Bevere gives the message today on Awakening to God's Purpose..

Gordon Robertson leads the staff in prayer for the needs of our partners. Michael Hingson shares how got out of his office on the 78th floor of the...

Gordon Robertson leads the staff to pray for the needs of our partners. LTG (Ret) William "Jerry" Boykin gives a message about the role of the church...

Pergamum’s Altar of Zeus takes center stage as it is excavated and taken to Germany where it later inspires the architecture of Adolf Hitler.

Pat continues his Signs of the Times teachings with a look at the prophetic significance of Israel under attack.

Pat Robertson teaches on Matthew 24:4-14. What will the signs be that lead to the end of the age? False messiahs, wars, famine, earthquakes,...

In an overview of biblical prophecy, Pat reveals the timeline from Adam to the present day. He also talks about the time between now and the...

Pat Robertson with a teaching on the "Signs of the Times"

Gordon Robertson teaches on the Signs of the Anti-Christ.

Pergamum’s Altar of Zeus takes center stage as it is excavated and taken to Germany where it later inspires the architecture of Adolf Hitler.


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