Displaying 1 - 16 of 75

Have you heard of Grammy Award Winner Tasha Cobbs? Well, join us in “The Green Room” to hear her heart and share some laughs.

Come behind the scenes of "The 700 Club" for a few laughs as we ask recording artist Anthony Evans some fun questions!

Go behind the scenes of The 700 Club with bestselling author and world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson.

Bishop T.D. Jakes goes In the Green Room to explain how to be effective in engaging culture.

From the hit show, "19 Kids and Counting," the Dugger girls (Jana, Jill, Jessa and Jinger) share about relationships, life, and their new book “...

Former Victoria Secret model, Kylie Bisutii and her husband, Mike discuss love, life, and real beauty.

Former Muslim and Christian apologist Nabeel Qureshi challenges Christians to love, understand, and share Christ with Muslims in their communities.

Animal Planet's Paul Bedard joins "In the Green Room," to talk about swimming with the gators.

They’ve been a force on the Christian Contemporary Music scene for over two decades. Go behind the scenes of The 700 Club with the Newsboys.

From Toy Story to Monsters University, John Ratzenberger is the man behind the voices of Pixar!

Join co-host Wendy Griffith behind the scenes of The 700 Club as she encourages women to know their worth.

Watch behind the scene as 5x Dove Award winner and Co-founder of Dare to Be Natalie Grant shares about her passions and friendships.

Go In The Green Room with Pastor Matthew Barnett of the L.A. Dream Center and discover if your dream is from God and what could block your dream from...

Go "In The Green Room" with Duck Dynasty's Alan...

Ben Kinchlow goes "In the Green Room" to have a heart to heart on the current state of Christianity in culture and how to make an impact.

Former wrestling star Lex Luger goes " In The Green Room" to talk about recovering from life's set backs.


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