Displaying 1 - 16 of 302

With two-thirds of her skull removed, Jaclyn would be used by God in an unexpected way.

Where are the babies? Coming Global Crisis: People Vanish; Texas, Brazil, Kenya. Torrential rains bring massive flooding, death; Promise Keepers...

In an early morning stampede Thursday on aid trucks in North Gaza, more than a hundred Palestinians died. A historic visit to the Southern border is...

The Israeli Defense Force says they have reached a major victory in a part of Gaza. Meanwhile the Biden Administration continues its push for a...

How a one-time child beggar escaped North Korea and found freedom.

The daily national news survey at the intersection of faith and politics. Former President Trump is fighting back over decisions to keep the G.O.P...

A health scare sends Don Jockman to the hospital where doctors reveal the need for urgent concern.

A huge development involving the crisis on the southern border. The Biden administration has approved building a border wall in part of Texas. A...

Armenian officials believe there won’t be anyone left in Nagorno-Karabakh

The daily national news survey at the intersection of faith and politics. The race to establish rules governing artificial intelligence technology...

Opposition not giving up after Israel’s Knesset moves ahead with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu government’s judicial reform bill- and while...

A worldwide effort, Empowered21, is working to spread the Gospel to everyone on Earth within 10 years, including the Amsterdam2023 conference this...

Anti-Semitic incidents rose to historic levels in 20-22. the Anti-Defamation league reports an increase of 36% over 2021. Despite bitter blowback...

The House is set to vote on the debt limit deal.

Fitch puts U.S. on negative credit watch

Dozens are dead, thousands have fled and more than 30 churches are destroyed in Manipur State.


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