700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

The 700 Club - August 11, 2011

A woman gets her second chance in prison. A man recovers from a horrific car accident. Also, Gordon Robertson cooks leg of lamb.


Welcome to The 700 Club. For today's top headlines let's go over to the CBN news desk. Gordon, Republican presidential candidates are debating in Iowa tonight. Many analysts believe the GOP has a good shot at unseating President Obama, with the economy in a slowdown and the stock market’s whipsaw daily. Here's Charlene Israel. It has been a roller coaster week on Wall Street. The Dow was down more than 600 points Monday, up more than 400 Tuesday. But those brief games and more wiped out on Wednesday after the Dow closed down 519 points. It’s not a full-blown panic yet, but it could get there. They're not throwing things out the window quite yet. But they're not far from it if this keeps up. The wild ride is the latest in a string of bad economic news that's made it a terrible summer for President Obama. A Gallup poll found his approval rating has sunk to 41 percent. 73 percent of Americans say the country is on the wrong track. Nearly half say the worst is yet to come. High unemployment and a bad housing market has many Americans cutting back. One example, Americans are canceling or forgoing cable and satellite TV subscriptions in record numbers. Republicans have already been blaming the president for the rocky week on Wall Street. It's another wake-up call to a president who seems just so out of touch and inept and really doesn't have a plan to fix the economy. I do. We've got to cut taxes. We've got to lighten up on the regulations. We've got to do things to encourage job growth in this country, not have it suffocated by an overreaching, burdensome government. Pawlenty and other presidential hopefuls are debating in Iowa tonight. No doubt President Obama will be the main target, but Pawlenty, Michele Bachmann, and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman are preparing to use the debate to present an alternative to the front runner, Mitt Romney. Texas Gov. Rick Perry will not be participating, since he has not declared whether he's in the race. On Saturday, Republicans in Iowa will crown their unofficial front runner to challenge President Obama for president in 2012 in their straw poll. Right now no one is certain who will come out on top. Charlene Israel, CBN News. We will have a full report, of course, on the Republican debate from Iowa on tomorrow's 700 Club. American warplanes have taken out the Taliban rebels responsible for the deaths of 30 US service members last weekend. America's top commander in Afghanistan says that an air strike launched from an F-16 fighter jet like this one killed the insurgents and one of the leaders Mullah Mohibullah. At approximately midnight on 8, August, coalition forces killed the Taliban insurgents responsible for this attack against the helicopter. This does not ease our loss, but we must and we will continue to relentlessly pursue the enemy. Military Intelligence gathered after the Chinook helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan led coalition forces to the insurgents location. A 12-year-old boy at the beach with his youth group disappears in the water for 20 minutes. After an intense search, rescuers find his unresponsive body and fear the worst. But now Dale Ostrander is alert, responsive and talking. His parents credit the power of prayer. Here's Heather Sells. Rescuers frantically searched for Dale on jet skis, after he got caught in a rip tide off the coast of Washington. Twelve-year-old Nicole Kissel was body boarding near by when she heard his cry for help. I went to the very bottom of the ground. I could feel it, the sand, and I felt his pants; and I had pushed him up, then I went up. I said, “We have to keep swimming.” The board was almost to land. I was swimming. I looked back. He’s right next to me, grabbed the board; he’s gone. The prayers started with Dale’s youth group on the beach. But when rescuers found him 20 minutes later, they thought it was too late, and the doctors agreed. They never expected him to live. They expected him to be a vegetable. Never walk . . . . Never talk. . . . . never talk, never say a word. That’s when family and friends of the Ostranders’ started this prayer blog Dale spent the weekend in a coma in a Portland hospital. Then on Sunday, he opened his eyes, and on Monday he started talking. First thing he said, we were trying to get him to cough. “Come on Dale . . . . To get the congestion. . . . . cough. You need to cough.” And he coughed once. “Okay, you need to it again, do more. “I don’t need to,” is what he said first thing. And we’re looking at each other . . . . “Everybody, he spoke! Oh my goodness, a full sentence.” It was amazing. Dale's parents say prayer is still appreciated as their son continues to recover. But they're also thanking God for a miracle. We really believe God can work miracles, not to say He will, or He should or we're deserving of it. But as long as he gets glory out of it. Heather Sells, CBN News. Amen. Now let's go back over to Terry to see what's ahead on today's 700 Club. Well up next, as the housing market crashed this couple saw their real estate business boom. We'll show you their secret to success, after this. Coming up later . . . . . . . . a young actress finally gets her big break and blows the audition. I go into this meeting wasted, and the high guy at Universal looks at me and says, “You look like a heroin addict. Get out of my office right now.” This is what I used to look like, and this is what I look like now. Lifestyle Lift helps remove wrinkles, frown lines, and sagging skin. Get noticeable natural results with options that take as little as an hour. Call right now and get a free information kit. Looking younger feels great. And now for a limited time only, get a free laser treatment with purchase. A $950 value, yours free if you call now. This offer is for a limited time. Get a laser skin treatment free with your Lifestyle Lift. My name is Roger Stump, and I’m a cancer survivor. The surgeon said it's inoperable. “It's already in your liver.” My wife, Brenda, sat there and cried; and I'm thinking, “I can't die right now. I'm only 52 years old.” I was so distraught. I've heard Cancer Treatment Centers of America have experience with pancreatic cancers. It was like night and day. The hospital just breeds an environment of hope. You get a CT scan, and the next morning the results were read to you. We’d go up there; I just knew it was going to be a good result. You could just see the joy on Dr. Granik’s face. Call now and we’ll show you how the most compassionate people anywhere put you at the center of everything we do. Together, we'll explore real treatment options you may not even know exist. Cancer Treatment Centers of America. It is such a different place, because they give you hope. I would strongly urge you to call them and get a second opinion. Please call today. When the real estate bubble burst, so did Mike Duever’s career. He went for months without a single sale. Then one day, Mike made an investment that doubled his business. After working as an engineer and running an ecommerce business for several years, Michael Duever decided he wanted to try something fresh in order to bring in more income. Real estate was booming, so he started his own real estate company. I always desired to have more, so I could give more; and I wasn’t happy just living paycheck to paycheck. And I started to learn more about real estate, and it just got me excited, because I could help people. Michael’s business flourished for the first few years, and his wife Victoria left her job to join her husband’s company. It was just boom, boom, boom. The Lord just started blessing us. One right after the other, we just kept having closings. But when sub-prime mortgages took a nosedive in 2007, so did the couple’s real estate business. To paint a picture for you of what was going on here in Denver is there are several counties here and almost every week just in one county there were like 100 to 200 foreclosures, every week. From August 2007 to February 2008, the Duevers didn’t have a single sale or closing. But after watching a CBN telethon that year, the Duevers decided to take a step of faith. We have always been tithers and we have always tithed, and we have always believed that as long as we keep tithing, the Lord is going to bless us. We got to a point where we went four months without any closings, and so we knew we had to do something else. And Michael approached me and he said, “You know what? I would like to sow 1,000 dollars into CBN.” The Duever’s closings almost doubled from the previous year. Our sales just spiked. That was the end of August, and by the end of October we had just had so many sales. In real estate, it takes 30 days for anything to happen. It was the end of August actually when we gave it, and you can see what happened, within a month and a half, two months. We had over 110,000 dollars come in, and that’s like 110 fold. It’s a good ground. It’s good ground what CBN is doing. Right now, within the next few months we have eight closings coming up. It’s just phenomenal in this market when everybody is moaning and groaning that nothing is selling. Today, the Duevers are CBN Founders. No matter what is happening in the world, He honors His Word. And it’s in His Word to give, and you will receive. And that’s what keeps happening. Take the limits off God. Trust the Lord with that. He is going to bless you for that offering. He is going to bring it back. And also keep your eyes open for opportunities that are going to come your way, so God can bless you. Here is what the Bible says. It’s from Luke 6 verse 38, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. Mike and Victoria learned the secret, the secret of giving. And they tested God and they gave and came back a hundredfold. Now, Jesus promises 30, 60, 100 fold. He promises those who give up in this life, in this life they will receive. In this life, they will receive. So let today be your day where you say, “Okay, I’ll test God. I’ll believe God. I’ll believe what He says.” And start an adventure in giving, and see what will happen to you, what happened to Mike and Victoria. We’ve seen so many stories so many times. God’s Word is true. He is faithful. Even when we’re faithless, He remains faithful. Terry. Well, that’s the Duevers’ side of what happens when you give. Now we want to show you what happens on the other end when you’re faithful. For centuries, Nepal has been the world’s only official Hindu nation. But thanks to a new TV program from CBN, children all over Nepal are hearing the name of Jesus for the very first time. In a small village just outside Nepal’s capital city of Kathmandu, we met twelve-year-old Shankar and his nine-year-old brother, Salem. They live a simple life with their parents, who have both been unable to speak since birth. Our parents make little sounds and use their hands to talk to us. The brothers like to watch television in their spare time, but one day their set wouldn’t work. So we went to my uncle’s house to watch TV. When they got there, they watched CBN’s children’s program, Happy World. They made sure they saw it every week. I love Jesus, because He gave His life and was crucified for our sins. I learned that I should obey my parents. I also learned to not fight with my friends or say bad things to them. When I saw how my brother had changed, I also wanted to know more about Jesus and go to church. Shankar and Salem were excited to find out more about Jesus, so they sat down and wrote letters to CBN’s office in Nepal. And since the show has been on the past year, we have received literally thousands of letters from children and their parents, from Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims and people who are just curious to know more about Jesus. Now, Shankar and Salem are urging all their friends to watch CBN’s Happy World. I tell my friends about Happy World because I want my friends to go to Heaven with me. If they see the program, they can learn how to live with Jesus forever. I have learned many things about God. Thank you Happy World. You know what’s so wonderful about this program is the kids love it so much they don’t just bring their friends, but they tell their parents about it. And what we saw and found out from the parents was that it was the changed behavior of the children that gave them an interest in finding out what was Happy World about? What were their children being taught in that? And you make it possible for us to take that kind of a message into the middle of the only official Hindu nation in the world. And it’s making a huge difference. Kids all over Nepal have heard about Happy World. So thank you so much for making that possible. That happens when you become a 700 Club member. How does that happen? Well, you go to your phone, you pick it up. Our number is toll free. You can see it on your screen: 1-800-759-0700. Sixty-five cents a day, 20 dollars a month, makes you a 700 Club member. When you go to your phone and call today, not only will you be a world changer, but we want to do something else for you. We want to ask you to help us. If you’ll make your commitment through Pledge Express, that means your bank does all the work. You have none of the hassle, no stamps, no envelopes. But it helps us save administrative costs. And so we want to bless you with “Power for Life” teachings each month. When you call right now, just say, “I want to join the 700 Club, and I want to do it through Pledge Express.” You can also join us by logging on to CBN.com. Gordon. Well, still ahead, all she wanted was the good life. What she got was hard time. I got thrown in the hole over and over and over again while I’m there. I can remember slumping back against that ice cold cement wall and thinking, “I can’t take this anymore.” How she found the life she always wanted behind bars. Our world moves at an incredible pace, but there is a destiny that awaits each one of us, and all of us will face life’s ultimate question: where will I spend eternity? In Life Beyond the Grave . . . . . . . . you’ll meet real people who’ve experienced Heaven and Hell, and have a powerful witnessing tool to share with others. I want you to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your destiny is sealed forever in Heaven. This is the information retailers don't want you to know, especially now. They don't want you to learn just how much money you've been giving away to retail markups on items you purchase for your home, all because you don't know how to buy like the insiders do at DirectBuy Club, the home improvement and furnishings club with direct insider prices. When you go to DirectBuy, you know that things are going to be a lot less than retail, and you don't have to worry about sales. It's just one price, and it's a low price, too. I would shop around and investigate; and without a shadow of a doubt, DirectBuy would have the lowest price. Members buy top-quality name brand merchandise from hundreds and hundreds of trusted manufacturers. So call the number on your screen now, and we'll rush you your free visitors pass to your local DirectBuy Club and your certificate for a free 30-day membership. This is a limited offer, so call now. Katie Souza hit rock bottom when she was in prison. She was on the verge of breaking down and seeing her dreams destroyed. But it was there that Katie realized something. Once you hit the bottom, there’s nowhere to go but up. Katie Souza wanted the good life. I had all these different preconceived ideas about what the good life was. I thought if I’m working in the entertainment industry, then that’s the good life. If I’ve got money, that’s the good life. If I’m famous, that’s the good life. Katie pursued her dreams. I really loved radio, because I loved music so much. And I thought, “Well, radio would be really fun,” so I got into radio when I was really young. Like 17 years old, I was on the air. I moved from Hawaii to the mainland, and I got a job working at CBS television, started doing camera work there and running audio. And I was having a lot of fun. Acting and modeling opportunities followed, but drug use that began in her teens became a full-fledged addiction that threatened everything. I was doing all these great things on one hand. I was still empty, though, and horrible, even though I had this great thing happening to me. It was like I was so miserable and empty, and I didn’t even know why, that I was filling myself up with drugs and doing all these different things to try to make myself feel satisfied. Katie was chosen for a role with Universal Studios, but just before her callback, she went on a drug binge. And I go into this meeting wasted. And the high guy at Universal looks at me and says, “You look like a heroin addict. Get out of my office right now.” And that was like my last blow. I had gone through all these different opportunities, and I’d blown them all. Blown them all. And so I fell face first into crime, and I became a full-time seller, because I was already selling drugs to everybody. And then I started cooking meth. She was arrested 12 times in one year for multiple felonies. Finally, she was arrested on federal charges for conspiracy, manufacturing narcotics and weapons violations. She was sentenced to 13 years in prison. I’m fighting with the cops. I attacked an officer. I’m getting shook down every day by the COs that are in the facility, because I am just starting up problems every day with all the officers and other inmates there. And I got thrown in the hole over and over and over again while I’m there. Finally, after a year of violent behavior behind bars, Katie reached her breaking point. I had been taken to this lockdown cell that wasn’t like a regular lockdown cell. It was booking, so you didn’t get a mattress. It’s freezing cold. It’s covered with urine and vomit and feces. And right then, I just got a revelation. It’s like, “This is God’s way of dealing with you. It took this level of a lockdown cell to get you to break. I’m the only one that can save you out of this.” And I just finally had it. I can remember slumping back against that ice cold cement wall and just slumping down and thinking, “I can’t take this anymore.” I had been fighting everybody out on the streets, and now I’m fighting everybody inside. And I didn’t even realize that I was fighting God Himself. And right then, the Lord spoke to me. He said, “I want you to surrender to your captivity, because this is My plan, and it’s perfect.” Katie prayed to become a Christian. She read the Bible and shared what she learned with her fellow inmates. And the only book in the whole place was the Bible. And I remember picking it up and reading through it. And I just thought, “This is the coolest thing I’ve ever read in my life. This is so amazing.” And I would go from the front to the back to the front to the back over and over again. And as I did that, the Holy Spirit began to point out these scriptures about these people called the ancient Israelites who went to prison. And I was going, “Wow.” As I read their story, I was like, “Man, their story is my story.” It’s the story of every con that I’d ever known. And I started getting excited about it, and I started teaching it to everyone that I could teach it to. Her tough girl attitude and reputation began to change. The cops are calling our unit the “God Pod,” because everybody’s worshipping God. We’re baptizing people in the shower. We’re praying. There’s this fellowship going on, and this amazing breakout of the presence of God is happening right in the middle of this captivity. After serving five years of her thirteen-year sentence, Katie won her appeal and was released early. She’s free now, and her view of the good life has changed dramatically. The good life is having your purpose and having your relationship with God. There have been so many amazing things that have happened to me, because I’ve had my purpose. For one, when I got out of prison, I really quickly discovered that I didn’t want to do drugs anymore. I’m so filled up with this relationship with God, so excited abut this special thing that God has given me to do, this mission, the book, the ministry, that I had no desire to do drugs. Katie wrote a book about the lessons she learned from the Israelites’ time in captivity and how God can use prison time to prepare people for their purpose. He has a bigger, better plan, an amazing plan where He wants to use captivity to totally give us our dreams, to give us our future. He loves us so much that He’s got a plan for it, and it’s way bigger than we thought it was going to be. It’s awesome. It’s an interesting thought, isn’t it, that Jesus puts us in forms of captivity, so that we can be set free, so that we can understand who He is. It’s a good place of growing and changing and being honed by the hand of God. I love her story, because it’s really the story of all of us at some point. We may not go so far that we wind up in federal prison. But Jesus said He came to set the captive free. That’s you and me. It’s you and me. You know what’s interesting to me is that we have a choice, and we keep choosing so often the wrong things. And what are we looking for? We’re looking for purpose, for meaning, for some kind of fulfillment, for joy, sometimes for fun. And we don’t find it in any of our own choices, until we surrender to Him and then He gives us the fullness of who He is. And it’s everything we were looking for, everything we were looking for. Maybe what’s even more significant in that truth is to realize that the God of the universe, the one who created us to live with purpose, with meaning in our lives, waits. He waits. He waits for you. He waits for me. He waits for each of us to come to the end of ourselves, of our own plans, of our own striving, of our own need, until we come to the place of saying, “God, not only can’t I do this without you, I don’t want to do this without you.” Maybe you’re watching her story today, and you’re saying, “Wow, that’s what I need.” If it is, here is the great news. He’s been waiting for you, too. It’s never too late. You can’t go too far away to be drawn back in by the arm of God. You can’t be too dead for a resurrection. You can’t have sinned too greatly to be forgiven. There is nothing, the Bible says, that can separate us from the love of God. So what do you do? If your life is empty today, if you are a sinner and you know full well that you need forgiveness and the love of a Savior, it’s here for you now. He. It’s not an it. He is here for you right now. This isn’t about religion. It’s not about rules and regulations. It’s about a relationship with the one who created you to love Him and to walk with Him. Will you surrender like Katie did? What does that mean? It means you lay down your stuff, your will, your way, and you grab hold of Him. Just grab hold of Him today. Stop what you’re doing and pray with me. Let’s go to Him together. “Lord, I’m listening to Katie’s story, and I know that I need what she’s got. I want what she’s got. And so I am asking you today to accept my plea for forgiveness. Please, Jesus, be the Savior of my soul. Forgive my sins. I’ve known in my head that you died to save the world. I’m asking you today to save me. I am a sinner in need of a Savior, and I’m asking you specifically. You know the things in my life that have entrapped me. You know the things I’ve done that have hurt others. You know the choices, the deliberate choices I have made to do the wrong thing. Will you forgive me? I am so sorry. I want to make that great exchange today. I want to exchange my way for your way. So I’m giving you my whole life, everything I’ve got. Come into the center of my being. Be the Lord of my life, as well as the Savior of my soul. Will you open my eyes to the things you want me to see, my ears to the things you want me to hear? Give me a heart willing to obey you, willing to make a change, to turn the other way and to do things your way rather than my own. Fill me now with your Holy Spirit. I need you. I need the power you offer to become a different person. I receive it all today, and I give everything I have to you. And I ask all of this in Jesus’ powerful name. Amen. If you’ve prayed that prayer, then you have begun the relationship that will change your life. How do you go forward from this point? Well, we’ve put a packet together for you that I think is really going to be helpful to you. It’s called “A New Day.” Look, it’s filled with information from God’s Word. What do you do now that you’ve prayed this prayer? What does God have to say about you as His child? This is all free for you. We want to send it to you right away. If you’ll call our number, it’s 1-800-759-0700. Just say, “I prayed that prayer, and I’d like the ‘New Day’ packet.” We’ll get it out to you right away. You can also log on to CBN.com and get it that way. Gordon. Well, still ahead, a husband clings to life. He had a very low chance of survival, and it became apparent that there was something very catastrophic going on. Find out how his wife fought to keep him alive, later on today’s show. I didn’t understand what love was. I didn’t have a good example. I knew of God, and I would often think to myself, “God if your real, help me in this situation.” I told the Lord; I said, “God, I don’t have anything to offer you. It’s just me and my little baby, and I don’t have anything together.” I had peace; it was so refreshing. He loves you so much that He died for you. And if He can do all of this in my life, He can do it for you. Hi, I'm Howard Dvorkin, the founder of Consolidated Credit. For almost two decades, Consolidated Credit has helped millions of Americans just like you. We can reduce your monthly payments by up to 50 percent. Consolidate Save you thousands in interest and fees and help you get out of debt fast. We've helped over five million people. Let us help you. Call Consolidated Credit now: 1-800-441-1202. 1-800-441-1202. Welcome back to The 700 Club. The White House held it’s traditional “Break the Fast” dinner celebrating Ramadan last night. President Obama, using the occasion to thank Muslims for their service to the country: Like so many faiths, Islam has always been part of our American family, and Muslim Americans have long contributed to the strength and character of our country and all walks of life. Mr. Obama also recognized Muslims affected by the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Students in New York City’s public schools will once again take mandatory classes on sex education. For the first time in two decades, middle and high school students would hear lessons on using condoms and the appropriate age for sexual activity. Children as young as 11 will take part in discussions on pregnancy and the risks of unprotected sex. Parents can have their children opt out of those lessons on birth control methods. Stay tuned, we'll be back with more of the Club after this. This is what I used to look like, and this is what I look like now. Lifestyle Lift helps remove wrinkles, frown lines, and sagging skin. Get noticeable natural results with options that take as little as an hour. Call right now and get a free information kit. Looking younger feels great. And now for a limited time only, get a free laser treatment with purchase. A $950 value, yours free if you call now. This offer is for a limited time. Get a laser skin treatment free with your Lifestyle Lift. There’s always plenty of time to plan a great Sunday dinner. It’s something that can be done in minutes. So I went into the kitchen with Kristi to show you how. One of the great traditions we had when I was growing up was we would have Sunday suppers. And these would be sort of elaborate meals that Mom would try to simplify the steps for. And then the family would all gather together on Sunday afternoon and have this great feast. If we could set aside Sunday afternoon as a time where we could gather as a family and invite friends and invite relatives over and just have a big feast, I think that would be good. I think it would be awesome. So you have something special for us. Today, we are going to Persia. Ooh. Ooh. Okay. I found this recipe, first tasted this method of preparing lamb in India, in Hyderabad. And I got really curious about how they did it. And one of the secrets was to marinate the meat in pomegranate juice, which was just incredible. And apparently, this tradition goes back thousands of years to Persia. And that’s where it first started. So we’re making lamb. We’re making lamb. I’ve never had lamb before. We’re going to make rice pilaf with raisins and currants . . . . Love that. . . . . which is going to be just incredible. And then we’ve got a leek with cream, roasted asparagus, which is really good. And then for dessert, we’re going to have pears baked with cheese and honey and figs baked with cheese and honey. And that’s going to be good. Well, I just want you to know I’m going to be your taste tester. You’re my sous chef. I’m your sous chef. Okay. Tell me what to do. All right. This is a leg of lamb. We call it butterflied. The bone has been taken out. The smaller the leg of lamb, the more likely it is you’ve got a lamb. The bigger it is, the more likely it is you’ve got a sheep. So when you’re shopping, this is one area where smaller is better. It’s going to be more tender. It’s gong to be tastier. Here are the spices you need. This is cumin. We’re going to put all this into a spice grinder, which is just a coffee grinder that’s kept just for spices. Oh, that’s good to know. Coriander. And you can buy any of these at your local . . . . These are all pre-ground, but you can buy them whole. And we’ve got some pepper, just plain black pepper. A little bit of pepper. And this is cardamom. And these are the pods. This is a wonderful spice that . . . . Is it the same thing or different things? It’s the same thing. This is what’s inside these. You can cook with these and you can cook curries with these, and they explode with flavor. And so when you use the pod, use them sparingly. My repertoire includes salt and pepper and garlic pepper. Well, the joke around here is that when you come to cooking, you’re making . . . . Cereal. . . . . cereal. I can cook. You pour it out from the box. You pour milk on top of it. It’s a form of cooking. You grind it all together. And what the spice grinder does is give you a nice mix of everything, and it breaks down those cardamom seeds, so they’re usable. Now, smell that? Oh, that smells delicious! That smells really good. You know, like when you go to the spas and they have all those wonderful “hoo-rah” smells? That kind of smells like a “hoo-rah” smell. So you’re getting aromatherapy. I love it. All right, you sprinkle it on top. Then you use your hands. I’m not going to use it, because I don’t want to get raw meat on my hands with no sink around. And you press it in. It’s called a rub, because you literally are going to massage this into the meat, and you want to fill up every crevice there is. Then you take the meat—you do it on both sides. Then you take the meat and you put it into a container like this, one that you can easily cover. And you take the pomegranate juice. You really want to have this just submerged, and so you press it down and you submerge everything in there. You cover it in plastic. You put it in the refrigerator overnight. And this is what happens after it’s been in the fridge overnight. I like to wrap it, where this fat—it’s called the fat cap—is on the outside. And as the fat melts as it roasts, it goes right into the meat and keeps it really moist and juicy and wonderful. Ooh, that sounds like a fat cap. I’ve got some of those fat caps on my thighs. Fat capping. All right. All right. You take kitchen twine. You soak it in water. You cut it, and there is a special loop where you tie one end and you roll this whole piece of meat up into a log. And then you tie it to keep it in place. That keeps it rare to medium rare in the middle and gives you a nice crust on the outside. We’ll show it to you in a minute. Ooh, yummy. The key, and the reason this recipe works so well, sometimes lamb can have a little gamey flavor to it, and it takes all of that away. The pomegranate juice takes all of that away and just leaves you this wonderful thing. Now, can you use that, the remaining juice right there as a sauce? Or do you throw that away? You should not use this as a sauce. Okay, no. Why? I’m curious. You should throw this away. You put that in the oven, 375. You need a meat thermometer to really help you with this. Take it to 135. Then the residual heat will take it all the way to 140 after you take it out. And we’ve already done this one. Ooh. Yummy. And that is what comes out. But you can see it gets this nice crust. This is the fat cap. And so all of that crust is really nice and you put the fat cap on top like I did there, and it just roasts up beautifully. Before you serve it, you take the string off and then you can cut it. And you want it to be that medium rare look in the middle. That is tender and good, and you’re going to get a taste of it in just a second. I was just about to say, Gordon, when do I get a taste? Do not tempt thou. Okay, what’s next? All right. You ready to cook? Let’s rock it, brother. It’s time. Okay. And not for nothing, but I want to prove that really I can cook more than cereal. All right. Can you sweat the onions? I don’t know what sweating means. I can cook. I can put them in the pan and cook them. But seriously, what does sweating mean? All right. When you sweat, what happens? When I sweat? Yes. I get funky. I don’t know. Water comes out of you. Okay. Good idea. Maybe that wasn’t the answer you were looking for. All right. You take the onions, dump them all in. So, seriously, what does sweating mean? Does it just mean cook? You want to get the water out of them. Okay. You don’t want them to turn brown. You just want to sweat them. Got you. So does that mean that you just—are you waiting for them to get translucent so that you can see through them? Right. Look at me knowing what I’m talking about, Gordon. That’s what it means. Who knew? When you sweat an onion, you make them translucent. Good. And it cooks out all that sort of sharpness to the onion. Does it matter what kind? Do you want like a sweeter onion or Vidalia? It really doesn’t matter. Just any old yellow onion will do. If you want the flavor of the red, but the red will end up coloring the rice in a way you don’t want. Got you. What’s next? Okay, that’s pretty good. Now you put in some chicken broth. Now is the kind of chicken broth that you get from the can? You can. When I cook, I tend to use my own. I like to roast chicken. That’s the best stock you can . . . . I’m kind of laughing, Gordon, because you’re like, “No, I make my own chicken broth.” But for like normal women like me . . . . You can buy it. . . . . you can buy it in a can. Just get the low sodium. All right, now, we’re making Persian rice. So this has got cinnamon. Interesting. Turmeric, which is really healthy for you. It gives it a nice yellow color. Is it salty? No, it’s not salty at all. Okay. Raisins, which, when you cook in water, plump up. Currants, which are really wonderful. They give it a nice flavor. And then you add salt. All of this broth . . . . This looks really good. . . . will now be absorbed into the rice. I like basmati rice. And you get that in most supermarkets now. It’s usually grown in . . . . Why? Why do you like it? It’s got a real nutty flavor. And it doesn’t bunch up. It’s got a low starch content and a real nutty flavor. And it’s absolutely perfect for this dish. I wish you could smell this. This smells so divine, and the spices, it just kicks it up. You’re kind of impressing me. I’m impressing you. Not a lot, just a little bit. But do you see how easy this is? It’s really easy. I’m kind of shocked. You just stir it in together. It’s very easy. You marinate your meat. You tie it up. You put it in, and while you’re doing that, you do this. And then . . . . You just cover it. . . . . you cover it. You’ve got to cover rice. All that liquid in that pot will be absorbed by the rice, and what will come out is that. And that’s been dressed with some toasted almond slices. And I think that’s coriander. Can I taste now? You can taste now. Thank you. You ready? At least I’ve got a . . . . We’ve got to do one more of all the different things that we’ve got. We’ve got the pears with goat cheese and honey and pistachio nuts. The figs with mascarpone. All of that was roasted in the oven. The leg of lamb, roasted asparagus, roasted leeks with cream. Okay, what are leeks? As God is my witness, I don’t even know what they are. Well, it’s what the Israelites wanted to go back to Egypt for. The leeks. The leeks and the garlic and the onions. So they taste really good. They look like big onions. Are they big onions? Well, they are. They taste a little bit like onion, but it’s a little different. All right. All right. Attack. I will attack. Let us know. This just looks divine. So this is the lamb. All right, so we’ll try the lamb first. It’s very different. It’s very light. But it tastes delicious. And you know what I taste? I taste a little bit of the . . . . Cardamom. Yes. This is really yummy. The cardamom really comes through. And in the center part it’s going to taste more like . . . . Oh, it’s really good. You tasted the outer crust, which has more of the rub on it. Wow, that tastes really good. The inner part has more of the pomegranate juice. All right, let me taste the inner. You want to taste some, too? Gordon, go grab a fork. Come on, so I’m not the only one eating on TV. Well, I want to see how you like the rice. Ooh! Let me tell you why that’s good, because it’s like one of those meals that you get different flavors with each bite. Right. With each bite, as you from the outside with the rub to the inside where it’s just pomegranate juice . . . . That’s divine. And the pomegranate juice also tenderizes the meat. It’s a wonderful way to cook lamb. That’s divine. That’s divine. And then when you add it with that kind of rice, you really get a flavor combo. Brother. And then the dessert. We didn’t use the cheese for you, because you don’t like cheese. It doesn’t agree with you. I was about to say, I like cheese. It just doesn’t like me. You like it. Roasted pears are just a beautiful thing, and you’ve got the fig, and you’ve got the pear. Oh, my goodness, can you see this. Look at that. You’ve got raisins. I don’t even know what’s in there. It just looks beautiful. What is in there? Pistachio nuts, raisins, currants. With goat cheese and honey, it takes it to a whole other level. My goodness, Gordon. You’ve got to taste this. What are these? Figs. Figs. Do people really eat figs? Yes. They’re really good. I’ve never seen a fig. How do you eat a fig? Roasted figs are really good. How do you eat a fig? Just cut into it. I’ve never eaten a fig. I’ve eaten a Fig Newton. Does that count? Yes. It will taste a whole lot better than a Fig Newton. I am so digging this meal. And I have to be honest with you, when you first started talking about lamb and . . . . Persia. . . . . Persia and this, I said . . . . It just sounds so strange and foreign, but when you start to—it’s a real simple prep. And when you start to eat it, you go, “Wow, this is really good.” While Kristi is eating, we want to remind you, all of these recipes are free. All you have to do is log on to CBN.com, and you can download every recipe that we demonstrated today. And you’re going to love it! Okay, I’m done. All right. We’ll be back with more right after this. If you have diabetes and love food, pay attention to this free offer. Hi, I’m Nicole Johnson. I’ve had diabetes for years, and I love food. To me there’s nothing tastier than rich chocolate cake, except maybe crispy oven fried chicken or cheesy potato skins. Get these recipes and many more free in these amazing diabetes cookbooks. If you have diabetes and are on Medicare, you qualify for these five, free cookbooks. call 1-800-951-8092. Enjoy dozens of yummy recipes for deserts, main dishes, snacks, and more. Plus get this free guide to planning delicious diabetes friendly meals. So call now and get cooking. For your five, free cookbooks and free meal planning guide, call 1-800-951-8092. That’s 1-800-951-8092. John Mapes is 42. Mortgage, married, two great kids. He wants to protect his family with a 500,000-dollar term life insurance policy. What do you think it will cost him? A hundred dollars a month? Sixty? Forty? Actually, none of the above. John can get a 500,000-dollar policy from a highly rated insurer for under 25 dollars a month. His secret? SelectQuote. SelectQuote is impartial. They’ll search the pick of insurers like these to give you a choice of your best prices. SelectQuote has great savings on term life for women, too. John’s wife, Carrie, can get a 500,000-dollar policy for under 16 dollars a month. SelectQuote has helped make term life insurance affordable for hundreds of thousands of people since 1985. How about you? Just call this number or visit selectquote.com. Ronnie and Clarice Holden had no idea what was about to happen. They couldn’t have. After all, Ronnie had driven home safely countless times, and certainly, there was no reason to believe this day was going to be any different, until a young man blew through a stop sign. She says, “We need to talk.” She says, “Ronnie has been in a serious car accident, and we need to get you home.” And I said, “Okay.” And I tell you, after that, I don’t remember much coming home. Clarice Holden was on a business trip to New York City when a coworker knocked on her door with frightening news. I didn’t find out any of the details until I got home the next morning. He was coming home from the restaurant, and the man ran the stop sign and hit him in the driver’s door and ejected him out the passenger window. Ronnie had his seatbelt on, but it broke it. And when it threw him out the window, the car actually turned over a couple of times. But thank God it didn’t hit him. It would have crushed him. The young man, unfortunately, that hit him was killed instantly. Ronnie was seriously injured from the accident. He was in intensive care. His neck was broken in two places, and his left leg was shattered. Trauma surgeon Dr. John Gary Maxwell worked on Ronnie’s case. He had a ruptured colon that wasn’t apparent initially. And we were very busy taking care of his head injury and his broken bones, and then it became apparent that there was something very catastrophic going on in the abdomen. So he required another operation to take care of that. After the surgery, Ronnie slipped into a coma, and the doctors gave Clarice terrible news. “It doesn’t look like he’s going to make it. He probably has about three hours.” And at that time, I don’t know about you, but I’ve never had anything like that to happen to me. I didn’t know what to say, what to do. What Clarice felt she could do was pray. She enlisted as many friends and folks from church as she could to pray for Ronnie. I knew that I knew that God was going to heal Ronnie and make him whole again. So I just went back to our family in the waiting room, and friends, and I said, “Guys, we are not going to be wringing our hands. And we are not going to be saying, ‘Poor Ronnie.’ We are going to believe God together.” Ronnie was already facing an uphill battle when complications set in. Ronnie’s trauma score was such that it was so high that the predictors for his recovery were very low. If you looked simply at the scientific predictors, he had a very low chance of survival. And then with the ruptured colon, he had sepsis. He had bloodstream infections. He required a great deal of antibiotics. Clarice filled her husband’s room with prayer, hymns and healing scriptures. She made sure everyone prayed for specific challenges Ronnie was facing. He would have a major thing going on every hour. Some part of his body was shutting down. A fever was going up. They’d have to pack him in ice to get his fever down. His kidneys would try to shut down, infection in his system. It was one thing right after, another crisis. When you’re told nothing can help him, I just needed to know what it was going to take to get him through the night. And then we went from specifics every day, every hour, what do we need to get through this. So we asked for exactly what we needed. And that is what we got. One by one each medical crisis was averted. The sepsis infection subsided. Intense fevers came back down to normal levels. His kidneys that were failing began to function again. Clarice says the turning point came when he woke from his three-week coma. When I saw his eyes, I knew he was going to be okay. His clear blue eyes, I just wanted to see them. And when he opened them, I knew he was going to be okay. Fifty-two days after his accident, Ronnie left the hospital. Today he is healthy and doing well, and his intestines are functioning normally. Ronnie believes the power of prayer saved his life. And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that that’s the reason that I’m here. Her prayers and the people that agreed with her and other people praying for me, never let anybody tell you it doesn’t mean anything to pray for somebody, because I would not be here. That’s the only reason I’m living is because God answered people’s prayers. Against all odds, Ronnie’s life is back to normal. But you know, you always fight for something that you love, that you believe in. And I love him, and I believe in him. I know that I know that everybody there knew. He was not supposed to come out. But he did. He doesn’t even look like anything ever happened to him. When God does something, He totally restores, doesn’t He? He really does. He does a great job, a lot better job than me. He does. And the really amazing thing is it’s not just for this person or that person. It’s for everybody, whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord. That’s what God’s Word says. This is Estella. She called on the Lord. She lives in San Antonio, Texas. She developed curvature of the spine and a protruding disc. It caused physical distress to her right knee. She did take medication, but she still lived with that pain for 30 years. Wow! Thirty years. One day, Estella was watching The 700 Club. Gordon, the Lord gave you a word of knowledge, and you said, “God is healing a spine and removing the pain that it was bringing to the right hip.” Estella claimed the word. The pain suddenly disappeared. She says she has not had any trouble since then. That’s a miracle. Thirty years. That is a miracle! Wow! Here’s another one. This is Carolyn of Beaumont, Texas. She had a back injury at her job. She’d taken many different prescriptions for the condition. Nothing helped. One day, she was watching The 700 Club. Terry, you said, “There is a pain which extends down your hip and into your legs. Move your hips around, and you’ll find it’s completely free. It’s gone. You don’t feel the pain anymore.” Well, Carolyn got out of bed and began moving her body in different positions. She felt a tingling sensation go throughout her body as Terry prayed. And she hasn’t had any trouble since. That’s great. That’s God. That can happen to you. You can have a life where you don’t have any trouble since, where you don’t have that nagging pain. You don’t have to worry about how you get up out of bed. You don’t have to worry about you bend over and pick up things. God loves His children. He wants His children to be free of disease, of pain. Which one of us—we’re parents. Which one of us, if our child was in need and had need because of some illness, what would we do? We would go to all kinds of lengths. We’d take them to every single doctor we could. We’d buy any medication. We’d pay for anything, anything, so our child could be healthy. That’s what God did. That’s what God did. He sent His only begotten Son, so that we wouldn’t have to suffer the consequences anymore, that we could be free of pain, of infirmity, of disease. He paid the price. He did it all, and He did it all out of love, because He loves you. He loves you so much He was willing to die for you. And the Bible says that He Himself has borne away our infirmity. He has taken away our pain. He forgives all your iniquities. He heals all your diseases. What He has done for others, He will do for you. Is your condition part of all? Are you part of whosoever? Don’t for a minute think that God has passed you by. I don’t care if you’ve asked for it before. Jesus says, “Ask and keep on asking.” So what I want you to do, in an act of faith, lay your hand on that area of the body that needs healing. The Bible says, the Bible says, “These signs shall follow them that believe. They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” The Bible also says if two or more agree touching anything, it shall be done. So Terry and I are going to agree. You agree and touch, and we’ll come into agreement with you and let God do all the rest for you. Pray with us. “Lord Jesus, we just lift the needs of the audience to you. And as people are laying hands on that area of the body that needs healing, we just come into agreement with them. And we agree with them, and we declare out loud over this, be healed and be made whole.” There is a man, your name is Tom. You’re laying hands on your left hamstring. You’ve had an old injury from track. And God is healing that. He’s literally knitting it back together again, and you’re just feeling that it just got tight, and you felt pain, and then it just released, in Jesus’ name. There’s someone else, you’ve had an injury from work, and your name is Dave. And you’ve got a bulging disc in the lumbar area of your spine. And God is healing that. He’s taking that away right now. And you’re just feeling just this liquid oil going down your spine right now, in Jesus’ name. Be healed. Straighten. What you couldn’t do before, do it now. Just straighten and realize you just got healed. You just got restored in Jesus’ name. There are numbers of you, you actually have your hands on your eyes. You’re suffering with macular degeneration. God is healing that condition for you right now. And little by little, those holes that are missing sight are just going to get smaller and smaller until your sight is returned. What doctors have said is impossible God is going to do for you. Someone else, you have a problem with a fibrous tumor or tumors, and therefore removing them is very difficult. God is shrinking all of that. You’re not going to need to have them removed. They’re just going to simply go away, in Jesus’ name. There is a woman named Sylvia. And you had your hand over your right eye. And when Terry started talking, you went, “Yay, that’s for me!” And then when she said macular degeneration, you went, “Oh, no, it’s not for me.” That whole sinus condition is being relieved right now, and those migraines associated with it are just gone now, in Jesus’ name. God has heard your cry, and He is saying yes to you right now. There are others, you’ve got cysts, ovarian cysts, and it’s extraordinarily painful. And you’re saying, “Please say that. Please say my condition.” And somebody with a rotator cuff injury in your left shoulder. God is healing and knitting that all back together for you again. Praise you, my God. There’s someone, you’ve lost the two front teeth. And you’re worried about implants, and there is some kind of problem with them. And God is healing that, and He’s taking away all the infection in the bone, in Jesus’ name. Be healed from that now. Just be healed and restored. Someone else with a skin condition, where your skin just gets raw. God is touching that and healing it, almost like an oil going over your skin. It’s just going to disappear, in Jesus’ name. Lord, we thank you, for you are the healer. We thank you for what you have done today. If you’ve been touched by God, we want to share in your good report, so call us: 1-800-759-0700. We leave you with these words from Psalms . . . . . . . . “In the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.” Here at CBN, we see amazing things happen when we stand together. That’s why we want to say thank you to the thousands of you . . . . . . . . who recently pledged to join the 700 Club. Your monthly gift makes it possible to bring crucial help to those who need it most. You help heal the sick, feed the hungry . . . . . . . . and preach the Gospel across America and throughout the world. You’ve brought health and hope to people in desperate need. And changed their lives forever. When Kitty was abandoned by her parents, she went to live with her grandmother in the middle of a garbage dump. They ate scraps of food from the dump and tried not to get bitten by the rats. That's when you built them a new home and set up a small clothing business near the market for Kitty's grandmother. You rescued them from hunger and fear. So please watch for this mailing and send in your pledge. This year millions will know . . . . The love and saving power of Jesus Christ. And that only happens, because you were there.


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