700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

The 700 Club - February 1, 2012

Author and fitness expert Amy Cotta shares her experience of dramatic weight loss in just six weeks! Plus, Vanna thought he was larger than life as a gang member, but a conviction for murder put him in prison where true freedom was waiting.


Man: As I got older, I started looking for trouble. LEE WEBB: And he found it. Man: It was something to do, something to be a part of. We robbed. We fought. We stole. We did everything. LEE WEBB: His gang wanted peace. Man: We finally got a hold of two guns. LEE WEBB: He wanted war. Man: Went back to the party and we shot the place up. * * * PAT ROBERTSON: Welcome to this edition of The 700 Club. To nobody's surprise, certainly not my surprise, Mitt Romney romped over his opponents in Florida and, in my opinion, although Brody is going to tell us a little different today, I think he's got a clear shot on, all the way through. It's going to be very hard now for Mr. Gingrich to recover, but we'll see. Romney now leads the delegates and momentum after snagging the biggest prize so far in the GOP race. KRISTI WATTS: But you know what Pat? Newt, he's fighting. In fact he says he won't give up his fight for the nomination, and our very own David Brody has the story from Tampa. FL. PRIMARY DAVID BRODY: Four years ago Mitt Romney lost Florida to John McCain, but this time it’s a different story. Despite a vicious war of words between him and Newt Gingrich, Romney's victory speech hinted at reconciliation. Mitt Romney (Presidential Candidate): A competitive primary does not divide us; it prepares us, and we will win. And when we gather back here in Tampa seven months from now for our convention, ours will be a united party with a winning ticket for America. DAVID BRODY: But apparently Gingrich didn't get the memo. Newt Gingrich (Presidential Candidate): We are going to contest every place, and we are going to win, and we will be in Tampa as the nominee in August. It is now clear that this will be a two-person race between the conservative leader, Newt Gingrich, and the Massachusetts moderate. DAVID BRODY: Some Romney supporters are tired of the name-calling on both sides. Women: None of this name-calling. That's got to stop. DAVID BRODY: What about all this name-calling? It's got to stop, huh? Man: It has to stop, but you know what? It's hard to play the game when somebody's so negative on the other side. DAVID BRODY: While the rhetoric has been sharp between the two GOP rivals, Romney ignored Gingrich and used his speech to aim at the main target, President Obama. Mitt Romney: Leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses. In another era of American crisis, Thomas Paine is reported to have said, “Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” Well, Mr. President, you were elected to lead. You chose to follow, and now it's time for you to get out of the way. DAVID BRODY: The Romney victory was deep and wide, propelled by seniors, Hispanics, and women. As for the evangelicals, their vote was split equally between Romney and Gingrich, and that's been the case so far in these primaries. Evangelicals still haven't settled on one candidate. Mark DeMoss (Romney Advisor): The evangelical votes, it's a little bit of a mystery too, from state to state. DAVID BRODY (Interviewing): Yeah, it’s been all over the place. Mark DeMoss: That Voting Bloc is less monolithic than a lot of people think it is. I think it's a lot more diverse. DAVID BRODY (Political Correspondent): The race now moves to Nevada where Ron Paul and Mitt Romney are expected to do very well. As for Newt Gingrich, well, he banks on March 6, Super Tuesday, were 10 states will vote, many of them in the South. He hopes to do well there. Pat. GRAPHIC: FLORIDA & BEYOND PAT ROBERTSON: Well, David he goes to Nevada. I won Nevada some years ago, but that's a Mormon state. So many of the voters are Mormon, and Mitt won it before. Is there any reason he won't win those caucuses this time? DAVID BRODY: No, he got 51 percent of the vote in 2008. He is expected to win there. Ron Paul is probably going to finish second out there. Remember this is proportional delegates now, so Ron Paul will pick up delegates there; and later on in the month is Michigan, and Romney's going to do very well in Michigan. Obviously his father is from there, and so this is setting up very well for Mitt Romney in February. The noise you're hearing in the background is the shooting of the train, somewhat leaving the station now. Whether or not Newt can slow down the train remains to be seen. But it's a heavy lift, Pat. A very heavy lift for Gingrich. PAT ROBERTSON: I heard a major Republican commentator last night saying Newt just keeps on whining, and you're not going to win the presidency by whining. What are they going to stop this negative stuff? He's got to talk about the vision for America. Do you have any indication that they're ever going to do that? DAVID BRODY: No. As a matter of fact, when I say no, I have an indication, and that indication is no, they're never going to stop the negative campaigning in this month of February. I tell you right now, if we think this is bad, it's about to get a whole lot worse in February, because this is going to be Newt Gingrich's last ditch effort, really, before March 6. He's got to do something on March 6, so we expect to see a lot more negative campaign, advertising, not just with Gingrich, but with Romney, too. I mean look, what we saw from Romney in Florida was an absolute pummeling of Newt Gingrich here on the airwaves. So everybody's talking about Newt Gingrich going negative, which has been very true. Romney has done the same. But we've also seen from Romney a little feistiness which I think a lot of Republican voters actually like, the fact that he's actually willing to fight for the nomination. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, he said something in his speech that I think is true. They're going to come out better, stronger candidates. I mean, it's a good thing they brought all this financial stuff out now, because it's going to be old news by the time of the general election comes up. DAVID BRODY: Yeah, Romney outspent Gingrich down here about four to one. It was about $20 million they dropped on Gingrich down here, and it had a major effect. It really did. And so, I think you're going to continue to see more of that. I think for Gingrich the key is this. Will the money dry up? We've heard about Sheldon Elderson, and so one of those things is that when he is actually giving money to Gingrich, we see Gingrich doing well. In South Carolina for example, Gingrich was able to spend just as much money as Romney. But in Florida, it was different, and the results were different, too. PAT ROBERTSON: Don’t you think that these women who’ve come out, the women are saying, “We’re not too keen on this guy who's got three wives, and left his wife, and asked for divorce papers while she's recovering from breast cancer?” It doesn't play very well with the women, does it? DAVID BRODY: No, I mean, he's had a problem with women overall, married women specifically. So that's been a big problem for Newt Gingrich, but ultimately they believe, and they being the Gingrich campaign believes they can paint this as the elites, the Washington establishment elites and the media elites, versus Gingrich and the insurgency of his campaign, they can be successful. And if you look at what happened here in Florida, up in the panhandle especially, Gingrich won overwhelmingly there, and of course, the panhandle up there in that area represents some of those more southern states, the Alabama's and others. And look, on March 6th, I mean, Gingrich is probably going to do very well in Georgia, Tennessee, Oklahoma, West Virginia. Texas comes up April 3rd. They've got 155 delegates. It is proportional but still, we've got a long way to go here, Pat. I don't expect this race to be over anytime soon. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, I just hope they'll leave the mud buckets behind and get on with positive campaign. But they won't do it, because the negative stuff works. David, where are you going from here? Are you going to Vegas? DAVID BRODY: We’ll eventually get around to different states, but I'd have got to tell you this is kind of a slower month, and so there's a regrouping by a lot of folks. As a matter of fact, Gingrich is going to make an appearance in Vegas for the next couple of days; but he’s not expected to do well there, because, you know, it's a caucus state, and you need really good organization, and Ron Paul has got that organization. So eventually we’ll get around. I don’t know, maybe we can hit all 10 states on March 6th, Super Tuesday. I will try to do that, Pat. I wouldn't try it at home; it's very dangerous. I will try to do it. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, don’t kill yourself, David. David Brody on the campaign trail, and Mitt Romney surging ahead, and having enormous amounts of money and organization, and he's going to be a formidable foe. I don't see how Newt Gingrich or anybody else is going to take him, but we'll see. As David said, there's a lot coming. So, would you like to comment on the race? KRISTI WATTS: No, I've been watching it. It's been very fascinating. But I have to admit to you this, with all of these different, not campaigns, the rall—what do you call them? PAT ROBERTSON: Rallies, meetings. KRISTI WATTS: Thank you. It kind of gets a little bit tedious. PAT ROBERTSON: It does get tedious. It's the same old stuff. Same old, same old. KRISTI WATTS: It is. It's the same old stuff. Did you know David Brody was going to the different people asking them about, you know, what do you think about the negative comments? I don't care if people like him or not; it personally turns my stomach. It really does. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, it turns everybody's stomach, but yet people vote in relation to the stuff they learn in those negative ads. You wish it weren't true, but it's just the way we are. Well, we’ll keep going down the road. It's interesting, but I think the man that's got the most the most money, and the best organization, and the more stuff coming to him, it's like it sticks, and the big money is going to start flowing to Romney, besides what he's already got. Well Lee Webb has the rest of our top stories from the CBN Newsroom. Lee. IRAN TERRORISM WARNING LEE WEBB: Pat, Iran may be more ready than ever to launch terrorist attacks on US soil. James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, told the Senate Intelligence Committee, “Some Iranian officials, probably including supreme leader Ali Khamenei, are now more willing to conduct an attack in the United States in response to real or perceived US actions that threaten the regime.” This comes as the US is increasing pressure on Iran to drop its nuclear program. Clapper says Iran is capable of producing nuclear weapons if its leaders choose to do so. The director says the good news is that Al Qaeda is significantly weaker. He says it is still a threat but probably unable to launch a massive attack at this point. SPEECH CANCELLED LEE WEBB: An outspoken critic of radical Islam has decided not to speak at a West Point prayer breakfast. Retired Lieut. Gen. Jerry Boykin made that decision after a veterans group complained to the Army Chief of Staff. Votevets.org is a left-wing political action committee. The group says that allowing Boykin to speak at the US military academy would be disrespectful to Muslim cadets. I spoke to Gen. Boykin by telephone. He's not pleased with how groups like that have portrayed him. GRAPHIC: ON THE PHONE Gen. Jerry Boykin (Retired Army Lieutenant General): I am going to be very bold in terms of saying that my views on Islam have been grossly misrepresented. I do fear Sharia. I do believe that we need to stop the encroachment of Sharia, but I have also said consistently that there are many Muslims in America that reject Sharia as well, and those are the people we need to be reaching out to. Now that doesn't mean compromising our faith as Christians. But it does mean we need to reach out to them and help them to find a voice, because the only voice right now for them is, actually, the Muslim Brotherhood and its front organizations like the Council of American-Islamic Relations. So we're going to stay in this fight. We're not backing away. LEE WEBB: Gen. Boykin is one of America's most decorated special operations soldiers. He told me his speech at West Point, interestingly enough, was not going to deal with Islam at all. It was going to be about prayer and leadership. You can hear my full interview with Gen. Boykin on our website at CBNNews.com. Pat, the reason he made this decision, he told me he has so much love and respect for the United States Army. It's going through a tough time right now with the war in Afghanistan, and now the talk of downsizing ground forces considerably. He just felt it was best to just step aside from this. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, Jerry Boykin is an outstanding American, outstanding military man. He personally put together that whole Delta Force. As I understand, that's his baby; and the president is taking credit for the things that the Seal teams are doing, but those special ops guys can owe their allegiance to men like Jerry Boykin who were their champions. It's a shame. Lee, all you've got to do is just say, “Well that will be offensive to somebody.” Well, you know the sun coming up is probably offensive to icebergs. There's always something that's offensive. We just can't stop what we are doing, because somebody would be offended. Lee. PP FUNDING LOSS LEE WEBB: The Susan G. Komen Foundation is severing financial partnerships with some Planned Parenthood affiliates. That comes as Congress investigates whether Planned Parenthood improperly used public money for abortions. The partnership has hurt some of the Komen Foundation’s fundraising efforts. In December, the Southern Baptist convention's publishing division recalled pink Bibles it sold to benefit that charity. Last year at the Komen Foundation gave about $680,000 to at least 19 Planned Parenthood clinics. STATUE CAN STAY LEE WEBB: The US Forest Service will allow a Jesus statue to stay in place on Big Mountain in Montana. World War II veterans placed the statue there in the 1950s. An atheist group demanded that the forest service take it down. The forest service, though, has issued a statement agreeing to keep the statue in place and renewing its permit for another 10 years. Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice calls the decision, quote, “A significant victory.” Pat. PAT ROBERTSON: It's just this way constantly. Atheists don't believe in anything. Atheoi means “no God.” They've got no God. They don't have anything. So they don't believe anything, but they can protest somebody who believes in something. Isn't it a strange thing that we would allow somebody who doesn't believe in anything to restrict the freedom of those who do? I mean it makes no sense. Sooner or later we are going to wake up, but I think maybe we are, but our hats off to do the forest service. This is just one, minor little skirmish, but these atheists are just enormously creative in figuring out things they can do to give us trouble. KRISTI WATTS: You know what I just thought of, Pat? You've got different kind of, I don't know, you could them religions. There's one called “Wicca,” and they're all about the environment, right. So if their religion that believes in the environment, and they believe trees are their God, why are these atheists not saying we should cut down every tree? Because it's offensive. Do you know what I mean? It's the same mentality. PAT ROBERTSON: Absolutely. KRISTI WATTS: Right? Just a thought. PAT ROBERTSON: Wicca, the white witches. All right. KRISTI WATTS: All right. Coming up, sounding an alarm in the Big Apple. Man: In New York City, we feel like the levees are breaking, and we're using our hands to plug up all the holes that we can. And we're scared that if this thing fully comes out, what's it going to take for our country to stop it? KRISTI WATTS: So see why this man and many others are taking to the streets of New York City in protest. Plus, we're asking you to log on to our chat room right now with your questions for Pat. GRAPHIC: GOT A QUESTION FOR PAT? CHAT NOW ON CBN.COM Why? Because we are going to bring it on, online, later on The 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 1: SWISS AMERICA Pat Boone (Entertainer): Hi there, neighbor. Pat Boone here for my good friends at Swiss America, the company that makes retirement dreams come true with gold. A lot of folks are shifting a portion of their retirement funds into a new precious metals IRA with Swiss America. And since 2004 these IRA’s are up in value over 150 percent. I've been a very satisfied client of Swiss America for many years now, because they believe in honesty, fair prices, and superior service. It's time to put your financial future on a gold standard right now. I own gold, because it's a hedge of protection for my family. Even my grandkids can see that our paper money is becoming less valuable every day. So call or visit Swiss America now. Ask for the Pat Boone free DVD and gold IRA kit. Get the best education you can on gold, the best asset to own during these uncertain times. Call or visit online now. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NEXT DAY PROMO LEE WEBB: Tomorrow . . . . GRPHIC: SUPER BOWL XLVI . . . . Superbowl XLVI pits the Patriots against the Giants, winner take all. We've got an all-access pass to the players before the big game. * * * Plus . . . . GRAPHIC: MONEY-SAVING MOM . . . . How this money-saving mom got out of debt and pay for her home in cash. * * * And then . . . . GRAPHIC: “AMERITOPIA” . . . . hear why best-selling author Mark Levin says, we are living in a post-Constitutional country. Tomorrow on The 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT ROBERTSON: Some time ago, the American Center for Law and Justice had a case, law case in New York, went to the Supreme Court. It was called the, “Lamb's Chapel versus Center Moriches School District,” as I recall the title of the case; and the court ruled overwhelmingly that if the Center Moriches school district made a public forum, to let anybody come in and use their facilities, that they couldn't exclude Lambs Chapel from using it the same way. Well, the second circuit in New York is left wing, and they just never stop, and so you've got more and more assaults on the ability of organizations to use public facilities, and this is a critical week for congregations in New York City that meet in public schools. They face eviction because the city has banned them from meeting in the buildings. But the City Council and State Legislature could vote to reverse that decision. Efrem Graham has this very interesting story from New York. FOCUS: NY CHURCHES EFREM GRAHAM: Sounds of praise rise from Walton High School in the Bronx each Sunday. For now, it's the meeting place for the Heavenly Vision Christian Center, the city's largest Latino congregation. The church and school are in Councilman Fernando Cabrera's district. Fernando Cabrera (New York City Councilman): These houses of worship have contributed so much into the public schools. They have provided free air conditioning, painted the schools, after-school programs, adult literacy programs. The list goes on and on, free programs during a time when the city is cutting. EFREM GRAHAM: And those cuts include church meetings. In less than two weeks, the cities education department believe it more than 60 congregations because of its policy banning worship services in public schools. Fernando Cabrera: We are the only school district, the only large school district in the United States that has this policy, the only state, and this is why we are holding the line. (At rally): . . . . to the Governor’s office to let him know that we don't want our church evicted. EFREM GRAHAM: Holding the line includes protests like the one, thousands marching across the Brooklyn Bridge to send a message to city leaders, the Mayor and the governor. Pastor Dimas Salaberrios (Infinity Church): They have an agenda: “Let’s secularize this city, and let's secularize our country.” EFREM GRAHAM: Dimas Salaberrios helped to lead that Sunday march after a 22-day hunger strike and two arrests at previous protests. He pastor's Infinity Church, a growing congregation in the middle of the Bronx River housing projects, the birthplace of hip-hop music and one of the poorest areas of the country. Pastor Dimas Salaberrios: I was reached by the Gospel in New York City. It was a church in a school, and my past was, being a rebellious, young crack dealer in the streets who escaped from the custody of the cops and was on the run for over five or six years. So I'm living proof of how effective churches are when they are in schools. If it was in a big cathedral building, I may not have been attracted to go. EFREM GRAHAM (New York City): It’s been a 16-year fight for Churches to have the same access to New York City public schools as any other organization. This latest pending eviction comes after the US Supreme Court decided not to hear the case of the Bronx, however the court did hear a similar case back in 1993. It came from a small church 70 miles east of here. Jay Sekulow: I argued Lamb's Chapel before the Supreme Court of the United States. EFREM GRAHAM: In that case the American Center for Law and Justice argued religious speech is protected speech after the Center Moriches School District refused to allow Lambs Chapel Church to rent the high school and show a Christian film. Sekulow sees no difference in the access New York City churches are seeking for worship. Jay Sekulow (American Center for Law and Justice): It's exactly on point, and the second circuit, by the way, ruled against the church. We Had to take it to the Supreme Court of the United States to win, and we won unanimously. So I think it’s completely inconsistent, unfortunately, that the Supreme Court did not take the Bronx Household of Faith case. So that leaves a very difficult situation in New York, which is going to take a legislative remedy. Pastor Dimas Salaberrios: They had come as gang members saying, “I'm tired of this life.” Church, you were there. EFREM GRAHAM: Councilman Cabrera is at work on that remedy with measures before the City Council, the state House, and Senate. Pastor Dimas Salaberrios: We expect it to pass. We have such overwhelming support at the state level and in the city level. The only one who is not getting it is the mayor. EFREM GRAHAM: We reached out to the Department of Education and the Mayor's office for their side of the story. The city's law department would only say the department is quite properly concerned about having any school in this diverse city identified with one particular religious belief or practice. Still, take a look at this. This is P.S. 133, a public school in Brooklyn inside a building the Department of Education rents from the Catholic Church, complete with a cross at the top. Pastor Dimas Salaberrios: It just seems to be a double standard, and if I may, it's hypocrisy. Fernando Cabrera: In New York City, we feel like the levees are breaking, and we're using our hands to plug up all the holes that we can, and we are scared that, if this thing fully comes out, what's it going to take for our country to stop it? EFREM GRAHAM: New York church goers now hope others will join them in their fight for religious freedom. Efrem Graham, CBN news, New York. PAT ROBERTSON: There was a time when our public officials recognized the role of religion, of how important it was. John Adams said, “This Constitution is made only for a moral and a religious people. It's wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” The institutions we have depend on self-government. If people do not obey the laws internally, there is no power that's we can assert short of absolute fascist dictatorship to control the animal passions of mankind. That's what our founders said. They recognized it. And so there was always an accommodation to religion, always the thought that people needed to be religious and moral in order to be good citizens. And so the idea that you use a school, a vacant school, it's an empty building that somebody comes in and rents it to use once a week. How does that hurt anybody? It helps the overall society. I've worked in the streets of New York, and I've worked in some of the inner cities hither and Yon. You know what happens to young people when they hear the claims of the Gospel. Their lives are transformed. And up to that point they are angry. They're upset because of so much injustice in so much poverty, and they need to find the Lord. But if Mayor Bloomberg and those associated with him are talking about diversity, “Well, you can't offend the Muslims. You can't offend the Hindus. You can't offend the Baha'is.” Well this was a Christian country, so if we have gone away from that, why would we deny ourselves the Christian influences? Because the Muslims are going to have worship in a school, I don't think. But if they are, let them have it. Equal access. KRISTI WATTS: But you know what I was thinking, though? PAT ROBERTSON: What? KRISTI WATTS: I'm from New Jersey, so I'm very familiar with the east coast, and one of the things I know about New Yorkers is that they are fighters. And so all of those pastors, and bishops, and priests, they are going to fight for their people. They're going to fight for that city, and they're going to fight to make sure that churches will go on. If it's not in that school, it's going to be around that school. I'll tell you that much. PAT ROBERTSON: We are encouraged by that message of hope. Thank you. KRISTI WATTS: Well, all right, well up next, meet a personal trainer who passed on, yes 25 pounds. GRAPHIC: AMY COTA But, hear how she gained it, and lost it and then went on to become one of Nashville's 25 most beautiful people. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 2A: DISH NETWORK Announcer: Have you heard the news? There's a new way to save money, and you're looking right at it, your TV. Now you can get this channel and a whole lot more for less. Just put down the remote. Pick up the phone and switch to Dish. Prices start at just $19.99 a month. Call now and ask about no commitment and no contract options. The choice is yours. Take a look at what you pay for TV today, and then look at how much you could save for the same channels with Dish. And if you like movies, you'll love this. Call now and get Blockbuster@Home included when you sign up. Stop spending money month after month for Netflix and get over 100,000 movies, shows and games delivered to your door and streamed straight to you from Blockbuster@Home. And only Dish gives you your favorite channels for the lowest everyday prices nationwide. So why pay more for the same channels? With prices starting at just $19.99 a month, Dish is the best value in entertainment. Call now and get Blockbuster at home included when you sign up. And for a limited time, get HBO, Cinemax, Showtime and Stars, free, plus, a free DVR. Let's watch TV. Called Dish now. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 2B: SNORESTOP [Music playing] Little girl (Walking through home frowning) Father (Snoring in bed, rolls over) Little girl (Sees Father with pig-like nose) Father (Wakes up, sprays SnoreStop in nose) [Happy family sleeping quietly] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * KRISTI WATTS: Well, lots of women and even some men have a pair or two of Skinny Jeans. Do you? I know I do. What's the problem? They just don't fit anymore, but still we keep them around. Why? Because we are hoping that one day, we’re praying, that they will fit again. Well, now you're about to meet a woman who's been there and back. Take a look. SET-UP PIECE TIM BRANSON: Amy Cotta has been a top fitness competitor and personal trainer since she was 16 years old. Then after four kids, a back injury, and a busy life, Amy put on weight. So she devised a plan to get back into shape. In 2008 she was voted one of Nashville's 25 most beautiful people. In her book, Six Weeks to Skinny Jeans, Amy shares the plan that helped her lose to jeans sizes in 42 days. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GUEST: AMY COTTA KRISTI WATTS: Please welcome to The 700 Club Amy Cotta. Amy, it’s so good to see you. Amy Cotta: Oh, good to be here. KRISTI WATTS: Okay, so here's the deal. The thing that attracts us all to your story, personal trainer. Since you were 16, I mean, you were a bodybuilding Queen. It was no joke for you, but then you gained 25 pounds. Which is, to a personal trainer, the worst thing in the world. Amy Cotta: Oh. yeah. KRISTI WATTS: But to the normal person like me, it's kind of like, “Yes! They have challenges, too.” Amy Cotta (Author/Six Weeks to Skinny Jeans, Celebrity Trainer): It’s true. I am human. Yes, I have maybe a little more fitness knowledge than the average person, but I'm human. Just like everybody else, life happened to me; and, boy, it happened fast, and it happened furious. KRISTI WATTS: What happened? Tell me. Amy Cotta: Where do I start? I got divorced, remarried, had another baby, had a car accident that, when I was seven months pregnant I got rear-ended, landed up in the hospital, rehab. I gained two more bonus children in my marriage, and before I knew it, it was just like, chaos. It was good chaos. But it was chaos. KRISTI WATTS: Life took over. Amy Cotta: Life took over. I wasn't able to exercise, and I took up a new sport. I took up eating. KRISTI WATTS: It's a good sport sometimes. Amy Cotta: Just like so many other people, I started medicating myself with food. I looked in the mirror one day, and I said, “[gasp] Who is that person? This isn't me. This isn't who God put me here to be.” It was a wake-up call. I'm telling you. It was like “bam!” KRISTI WATTS: But here’s the deal. This is the thing I think is so fascinating is that we all had to give ourselves grace in life. Because I think every man and woman out there who've been able to attain that body standard that they've been hoping and striving for, that, as you said, life happens, whether it's a divorce or whether it's just challenges at work, or kids, and then all of a sudden, even stress adds the pounds. Amy Cotta: Oh, I lived in stressville. KRISTI WATTS: You know. You know. So before we talk about the food, let's talk a little bit about your faith. How did the Lord help you? Amy Cotta: Again, when I got hit with reality, and I used to tell myself, “God put me here on this earth to be extraordinary, not ordinary.” Because my life had become so chaotic, and in so many different stressors, I really had to start reaching in and reaching out for God. I'm trying not to get choked up, but I really found my faith again in a very deep and meaningful way, because I needed His strength. I needed His strength to get through what I was going through, and I needed his strength to be disciplined again. Because it's almost like fasting. In those moments when you're not doing the easy thing, and you're doing the hard thing, the uncomfortable thing, that's when for me I really found my faith, and I found my jeans again! KRISTI WATTS: I love it. Found your faith and found your jeans again! Amy Cotta: I was like, “I want to shop in my closet.” Imagine that. KRISTI WATTS: But you know what I think is so cool, and then we're going to talk about the food, is the fact that when you turned to the Lord, people say, okay, losing weight, it's all about the exterior. Does it really matter? But the reality is that our body is a temple. Amy Cotta: It is. KRISTI WATTS: Number one, and number two, what makes us sometimes gain weight whether it stresses, or all these issues, God says because He loves us so much He wants us to cast our cares upon Him. So we take those stresses, we hand them to the Lord, and then we ask the Lord for wisdom on how to eat; and you have that wisdom on how to eat and what to do to get the weight off. So now, share that with us. Amy Cotta: Yes, and let me tell you I'm a mess in the kitchen. So I made this so simple that even I can do it; and if I can do it, you can do it. So, let's start with breakfast. We have what I call “Skinny Minis.” It's a very simple recipe. It's just eggs, egg whites, Canadian bacon, a little bit of low-fat cheese. Pop them in the oven for a couple of minutes, and boom, you've got breakfast for that morning. You can take them for lunch. You can put them in the refrigerator and have breakfast the next morning. KRISTI WATTS: Now I asked you this, or I'm curious about this. Is it full egg white? Yolk? No yolk? What do you have to keep the calories down? Amy Cotta: In the recipe you're going to find that it's yolks and egg whites. But make it your own. I personally do not really care for the taste of egg yolks, so when I make mine, and make them all egg whites. When my husband makes them for himself, because who has time to cook for my husband? Just joking, honey. When he makes them for himself, he likes to have the yolks. So he makes them his way. KRISTI WATTS: And it's good. It's simple, portion control. Amy Cotta: And great protein, great protein in there. KRISTI WATTS: We love it. Speaking of protein, let's talk about the beef kebabs. Dinner, yay! Amy Cotta: I love this recipe again, because I'm a very simple cook, and it's very few ingredients, and you can make it the night before. So for the marinade, it's just a little bit of oil. KRISTI WATTS: Olive oil? Amy Cotta: Yes, extra virgin, and some lemon juice. Give it a little bit of acid. KRISTI WATTS: You’re so neat, Amy. I would just throw it in. Amy Cotta: Okay. Some tarragon. KRISTI WATTS: There you go, girl. Now that's a real oregano. Amy Cotta: Some oregano. This is how I cook at home. KRISTI WATTS: I was about to say, I mean, you're on television. She's trying to be polite, but we know what home is like, boom, boom, boom, boom. Amy Cotta: Yeah, and I don't have all these little, fancy utensils either. KRISTI WATTS: I know, but for TV, you know, it’s got to look good. Amy Cotta: Yes, for TV, we'll do that. So the great thing about it is, just mix it up and then you put about a pound and a half of lean sirloin in there. Put it in a Ziploc bag. Let it sit overnight. You can let it sit as short as four hours, but overnight it's going to get the taste of the marinade. KRISTI WATTS: Great marinade. Amy Cotta: You’re going to put them on skewers, and then we pop them in the oven. KRISTI WATTS: I'm going to let you do that, and as we do that, I have to admit, I know it's inappropriate, but I'm going to do it anyway, Amy. As you walk back, we're going to see Amy walk in her skinny jeans. Amy Cotta: No! KRISTI WATTS (Laughing): Because she's wearing those skinny jeans. Fantastic. Amy Cotta: And your skinny jeans do not have to the fashion skinny jeans. As you can tell, my are not the fashion skinny jeans. KRISTI WATTS: Well, I have to admit, the skinny jeans that I have are so old, that they’re the old-fashioned mom jeans that come up to here. But I love them. I will wear them. Amy Cotta: There you go. KRISTI WATTS: And I still have them. I can put them on; I just can't zip them. Oh, it smells delicious. Amy Cotta: Even I can cook. KRISTI WATTS: Well, as we’re whipping up this yummy kebabs, let's talk about these. What are they? Amy Cotta: These are skinny fries. Most people like myself love French fries. French fries are not necessarily the greatest food for the temple known as “the body.” KRISTI WATTS: Right. What is this? Zucchini? Amy Cotta: There’s zucchini. You take a medium zucchini, sliced it thin. KRISTI WATTS: Oh, those are yummy. Amy Cotta: Dab it in a little bit of a egg white, Parmesan cheese. Your kids will love these. They will not know they are eating zucchini. So this is a great way to disguise your vegetables. KRISTI WATTS: They actually taste like potatoes, like potato wedges, you know. Is that a bad thing? No, but they do. They taste good. Amy Cotta: No, that's a good thing, because then you'll eat those instead of potato wedges which have twice as many calories, spikes your insulin level, and gives you that nice, little poochy. KRISTI WATTS: I know. The pooch and the pouch. All right, let's talk about chocolate girl. I'm all into chocolate. Amy Cotta: This is my favorite recipe of the entire book. KRISTI WATTS: All right, what is it? Amy Cotta: You really want to know? KRISTI WATTS: You tell me. I'll taste, go. Amy Cotta: It is cottage cheese, cocoa, and blue agave. KRISTI WATTS: What’s goov gava? Amy Cotta: Blue agave. It's a natural sweetener. It's made by God. It's natural. KRISTI WATTS: Well, if it’s made by God, you know it's good. That's to be the name of your next book. Amy Cotta: But even if you don't like cottage cheese, this is a really great recipe. KRISTI WATTS: It’s really good. It tastes like chocolate pudding. Amy Cotta: It tastes like chocolate pudding. If you're somebody that likes a really dark, deep, kind of chocolate, you can add more cocoa. Or if you like just a little bit of chocolate, you can cut the recipe in half, and we put a tablespoon of cocoa and a tablespoon of agave. So with everything in the book, you can kind of mix and match and make it your own, as long as you’re staying in the plan. If you're not eating the way that your taste buds work, you're not going to stick with it. KRISTI WATTS: I love it. Well, look at you, Amy! Rock yourself. High five, sister! Amy Cotta: Look at you, hottie! KRISTI WATTS: Come on. You ready? Ready to do the pose. Mm. All right, Amy's book is called Six Weeks to Skinny Jeans. She's wearing them, praise God. That's why I'm wearing all black today. It's strategy, people. It's available wherever books are sold. Listen, we are going to be back with more of The 700 Club. So, please whatever you do, don't switch the station. Yea! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LEE WEBB: Coming up later . . . . GRAPHIC: GANG WARFARE Man: As I got older, I started looking for trouble. LEE WEBB: And he found it. Man: We robbed. We fought. We stole. We did everything. LEE WEBB: His gang wanted peace. Man: We finally got a hold of about two guns. LEE WEBB: He wanted war. Man: Went back to the party, and we shot the place up. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 3: CANCER CENTERS Man: My PSA was 14. One day Janet says, “You're going to the doctor.” I needed to get a second opinion, so we contacted Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Announcer: To find out more about our unique treatment options for complex and advanced stage cancer, go to cancercenter.com. Man: If you have prostate or lung cancer or whatever, you can see what the survival rates are. Announcer: You can also check for participating insurance plans. Cancer Treatment Centers of America is different. Its state-of-the-art medicine, unique treatment options and a level of compassion that cannot be copied. Why? Our people, people who give you, not only their expertise, but their humanity in a most thoughtful, well-organized patient-centered care you'll find anywhere. Man: I didn't expect to learn a lesson about how to treat people by being in a hospital. Announcer: Every minute counts when you're fighting complex or advance stage cancer. So please call or visit cancercenter.com today. Appointments are available now. Cancer Treatment Centers of America: care that never quits. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NEWSBREAK CALIFORNIA RUNNING OUT OF CASH LEE WEBB: Welcome back to The 700 Club. The state of California is going to run out of money by the beginning of March. That's the warning from the states controller, John Chang. He says California must borrow money and hold off on some of its payments. If state officials, though, don't take action, he says California would likely have to delay state tax refunds and other payments. The reason is simple. The state government spent more money than it has. The state assembly is expected to move quickly to deal with the problem. HONOR KILLING APPEAL LEE WEBB: One of three members of an Afghan family found guilty in an honor killings case, intends to appeal the verdict. Prosecutors say three teenage girls were killed for dishonoring their family’s strict rules on dress, dating, and socializing on the Internet. The jury found the girl's parents and brother guilty of murder. Canada's minister of women's affairs says, “Honor-motivated violence is not culture; it is barbaric violence.” You can always get the latest from CBN News by going to our website at CBNNews.com. GRAPHIC: FOR MORE INFO GO TO CBNNEWS.COM Pat and Christie will be back with more of The 700 Club after this. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 4: LIBERATOR MEDICAL Phone Rep: Believe it or not, this is a catheter. It's the new SpeediCath Compact for women, now available from Liberator Medical with full medical and private insurance reimbursements. Stay tuned for an exciting, free offer, but first meet Julie. Julie (Enrolled Customer): You know when you leave the house, and you say, “Okay, I have my phone. I have my keys. I have my wallet. I'm good to go?” Now I always have to think of a catheter, because I can't go without it. SpeediCath came into my life, and it is life-changing. They're tiny and thin, and you can fit them in your back pocket. You can fit them anywhere you need them. This is a lipstick, or a lip gloss, and this is the size of it. With this you’re only touching the outer plastic, and you're never actually in contact with the catheter itself. You just really have to give a sample. That's all it needs is one sample, and everyone's going to want them. Phone Rep: Now here’s that free offer I promised. Call Liberator Medical. Get your free, SpeediCath Compact Sample six-pack. Shipping is free: 1-800-595-1446, 1-800-595-1446. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT ROBERTSON: Well, you've heard about those Asian gangs. They're pretty mean. The Yakuzas. KRISTI WATTS: No, I haven’t. I've heard of the Bloods and the Crips, but, you know. PAT ROBERTSON: You haven’t heard of the Yakuzas? KRISTI WATTS: Un unh, not the Yukuzas. PAT ROBERTSON: Where have you been? KRISTI WATTS: I don't know, sitting here in Virginia Beach, just chilling. PAT ROBERTSON: Oh, you're so sheltered. Well, anyhow. The young man in our next story joined an Asian gang when he was a teenager. Not long after that, he landed behind bars; and that's where he found true freedom after reading a book about Al Capone’s getaway driver. Watch this. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VANNA IN REPORTER: The In family with their six children moved to Houston, Texas in 1978. As Cambodian refugees from the Vietnam War. Their youngest son, Vanna, was only three. Growing up, Vanna found America was less a place of refuge and more a place of fear. Vanna: Things were rough, because we didn’t understand the language. We didn’t understand the culture. We were told by our neighbors and our classmates, in colorful language, to go home, go back to our country, we’re not wanted here. REPORTER: Outside the home Vanna faced racism. Inside the home, he was a victim of domestic violence. Vanna: If we did something wrong that they saw, they thought was wrong, it would usually lead to physical and verbal abuse. As I got older, I started looking for trouble; and I didn’t know where this anger came from. I didn’t know how to vent it. REPORTER: When the family moved to California in 1992, Vanna took his anger to the streets of Fresno. His older brother joined an Asian gang and Vanna soon followed. Vanna: We were very, very close, and I always saw him as a tough guy, a guy that you didn’t want to mess with. It was something to do. It was something to be a part of. We have camaraderie. We do everything together. We lived that code of “we will even die for each other, or die for the gang.” So we robbed, we fought, we stole, I mean, we did everything. REPORTER: In 1993, Vanna was deep in the gang life and attended a gang peace party where rival gangs got together to call a truce. Vanna: So when I saw my enemies, it was like I was a bull, and I saw red. I totally ignored the whole purpose of me going there, and I did that by cussing them out, telling them who I was, and this is who we are. One of the rival gang members, they got tired of it, and so he gave me a good punch in the face; and then we left the scene of the party, where we finally got a hold of about two guns, went back to the party, and we shot the place up. REPORTER: Vanna and fellow gang members shot up the party in a “drive-by” and murdered a rival gang member. Authorities arrested Vanna in 1994 and tried him as an adult. Vanna was convicted of second degree murder. Vanna: I thought about my life like, “Why am I in this place? How did I get to this point where I’m facing 30 years to life?” 25 for the murder and 5 years for the gun enhancement. I said, “How did I get here?” REPORTER: While incarcerated, Vanna started looking for answers in his cultural religion of Buddhism. Vanna: I was like, “Well, you know what, it’s maybe because I wasn’t true to Buddha.” I didn’t follow Buddha all the way. I visited the temple every other weekend just to help get my life back in order. There was no power in Buddhism. I mean, I was searching for it. I was trying to get out, but I couldn’t. REPORTER: During this time, Vanna’s cellmate began to tell him about Jesus. Vanna: Well, the guy’s name was Gabriel DeHerrera. He knew at the time that I was searching for peace, and he just told me about the love of God. And I told him about Buddha. And so we would have these religious dialogues. He would just tell me about how Jesus came on the cross to die for me and how, by Him being the perfect sacrifice, He was able to forgive the sins of the world. So that stuck out to me. REPORTER: A prison chaplain also started bringing Vanna books about former gang members who gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Vanna: The first book that I remember was God’s Prison Gang. Then I read about Al Capone’s Getaway Driver and in reading Al Capone’s Getaway Driver is where I read a verse, John Chapter 15:16. The verse read, “For you did not choose me, but I chose you.” These people who had committed crimes more heinous than I. Some of them are robbers, thieves, and a lot of them were murderers, and they knew the grace of Jesus. I read about the grace of Jesus and how Jesus met them in their prison cell and their jail cell, and He forgave them. I’m thinking, “Wow, if God can forgive them, and if God sent Jesus to die for them, He did it for me.” So I woke up the brother that was witnessing to me for the last few months, and I said, “Hey, Gabriel, I want to give my life to God.” From there I was excited. I was excited because now I knew that something as special as the gift of salvation should not be bottled up, and so I just started telling everybody about Jesus. REPORTER: After becoming a Christian, Vanna renounced his gang ties. He was able to strike a plea bargain and was moved to the California Youth Authority until he was 25 years old. In 2001 Vanna was released. Vanna: Jesus gave me the power to walk away. Jesus gave me the power to give my allegiance to Him and not to a gang that brought nothing but heartache and pain, and so that’s how I was able, through Christ, to leave the gang life. REPORTER: Today Vanna is married and has a son. He works as a pastor and youth counselor in the same neighborhood in Fresno that he used to terrorize as a gang member. Vanna: Those that have been hurt, if they want to be released from all the venom and the pain that they have, it’s not going to go away holding onto it. The only way they can have true healing is through Jesus Christ. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT MINISTER SALVATION PAT ROBERTSON: Have you been hurt? Somebody hurt you? A parent hurt you? Sibling, brother or sister hurt you? Somebody hurt you in church or business, your office? Have you been hurt? Have you been despised? Have you been slandered? Somebody physically hit you, hurt you. Have you been beat up when you were a little kid? You still feel resentful? There are a lot of hurts in this world. But you know something, there's one person who was hurt worse than you were. His name is Jesus. They beat Him with whips that had little iron pellets at the end of the whip. They drove nails into His hands and feet. They smacked Him so badly that His face didn't even look human. They laughed at Him and made fun of Him. He suffered, but He never opened His mouth to complain. You know why not? Because he did it for you. This one guy said, “Jesus took the rap for me.” He took the penalty that was due you and was due me, and what I say to you today, do you want those hurts of yours to go away? They will miraculously disappear like the clouds at the beginning of a sunny day. They will go away, because Jesus Christ will take your hurts. He will take them to Himself, and then He will give you a brand-new life. He will give you a new beginning. That's what it's all about. That's what Christianity is about is being forgiven and given a new start, because Jesus paid the price for you. Do you want to say “yes,” or do you want to say “no?” You can keep on saying no if you want to. Nobody's going to make you say yes. But one day you will go where people go who were always saying no. Well, I want you to go to Heaven where people who say “yes” live. People who say yes to God's grace. If you want Heaven, if you want a new day, I want you to pray with me right now. Where ever you are, I want you to bow your head. Do it right now. Now. Husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends whatever. Think of the hurt, and you're going to put it all away. Bow your head and pray these words. “Jesus.” That’s right. Pray with me. “Jesus, you know the hurt in my life. You know what's been done to me. You know what I've been to others. God, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I've done. I'm sorry for the hatred and bitterness in my heart. I'm sorry, Lord. And I ask you now, come into my heart. Cleanse me of all the shame, the bitterness, the resentment, everything that's there. Take it away. And from that moment on, from this moment on I'm yours, Lord. I belong to you, and I receive your gift of salvation. Come into my heart now, Lord. Live your life within me, with me, in Jesus’ name I ask it. Thank you for hearing my prayer, and thank you for coming into my heart.” Now, for those who prayed that prayer, that's the beginning of a brand-new day. GRAPHIC: 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM I've got something I call, or we call “A New Day” to get you started. GRAPHIC: OUR GIFT TO YOU 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM I'll give this to you free. It's no obligation financially whatsoever. But it's a wonderful CD. It's 73 minutes of very concise teaching about what just happened to you and what's going to happen next. We will send it to you along with a little booklet. We will send it to you free of charge, and all you have to do is call in and say, “Look, I prayed with Pat. I gave my heart to the Lord.” Now many, many people yesterday said yes to Jesus, and many people today are saying yes. The phones are available. If for any reason they're busy, call back. There will be somebody to take your call, absolutely free, no obligation. It's 1-800-759-0700. The number is on your screen. Call right now and say, “I prayed with Pat, and please send me that little packet, “A New Day,” and we will rush it to you. The Angels are rejoicing because you have been born again. Kristi. KRISTI WATTS: Thank you so much, Pat. Well I’m here in the control room, and we are ready with your e-mail and chat room questions. In fact, Connie begins it all, and she says she want to know, “Is it a sin to stay in a marriage when you're not in love anymore?” Well, we are going to bring it on with Connie's question and so much more, so whatever you do, don't go away. GRAPHIC: GOT A QUESTION FOR PAT? CHAT NOW ON CBN.COM * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 5A: REGENT Female #1: Welcome to preview weekend! Male #1: Welcome to preview weekend. Group: Welcome to preview weekend! Male #2: Regent University is amazing. Female #2: You can't understand the university unless you’ve visited and met the people. Male #1: I felt the sense of peace walking around the campus. Female #3: And I just said to myself, “That's something I have to check out.” GRAPHIC: 800.373.5504 www.regent.edu/preview Announcer: Your calling. Your purpose. Your future. Find your place at Regent University preview weekend. Call 800-373-5504 or visit www.regent.edu/preview. GRAPHIC: REGENT UNIVERSITY Preview Weekend March 8th -10th Join us March 8th through 10th for preview weekend. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 5B: LIFESTYLE LIFT Announcer: Do you have wrinkles and sagging skin? You’d like to remove years of aging from your face in about an hour? Now you can with lifestyle Lift. This amazing procedure takes about one hour right in our office. See the difference immediately. No general or IV anesthesia. Return to your activities quickly. Call now and get this informational Kit free. Financing available. Lifestyle Lift, America's experts in making you look younger. Woman: It gave me back all of my confidence. Announcer: Call now and get this informational Kit free. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOP SONGS ON CBN RADIO LEE WEBB: To listen to our top songs of the week, go to CBN radio at CBN.com. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT ROBERTSON: Hey, it's a great day. I hope it's nice where you are, but it's nice here. KRISTI WATTS: It is. PAT ROBERTSON: Virginia Beach is going to be beautiful. It's in the 70s, if you can believe it. KRISTI WATTS: Can you believe it's February 1st? PAT ROBERTSON: No. KRISTI WATTS: Crazy. Alright I'm done. PAT ROBERTSON: Crazy good. KRISTI WATTS: Yeah, crazy good. PAT ROBERTSON: I want to introduce you to Eric. Eric’s a typical boy that when it comes to playing; he's almost fearless. So one day Eric put himself in harm’s way without even knowing it. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ERICK AND THE SNAKEBITE KEN HULME: Like most boys his age, 10-year-old Eric and his friends loved catching bugs and fish in the small canals near their home. One day Eric reached into a whole and felt something by him. Eric: A snake bit my finger. I screamed for help and ran home. KRISTI WATTS: A short time later, Eric showed up here at this free CBN medical clinic that had come to his village in the Philippines. Dr. Wendell took one look at the swollen finger and knew the boy was in danger. Dr. Wendell: But the snake’s venom was not lethal, or else Eric would not have lived this long. But the venom did cause the tissues of his fingers to die; and without proper treatment, he could lose the finger or his whole hand. KEN HULME: A nurse dressed Eric's hand and gave him a tetanus shot. Then we gave him a strong antibiotic to fight the infection in his finger. By the end of the day, Eric was feeling so much better that he did a cartwheel for us and for his friend. Eric: Thank you. You're the best. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT ROBERTSON: We’re there, remote areas of the Philippines . . . . GRAPHIC: 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM . . . . remote areas of Indonesia, remote areas in the world. We are here to help people because we love people, and God loves people. If you want to share, we would like you to do it. By the way, this is something Gordon did. It's called, The Quest for God. It shows around the world the people, how they look for God. What they're expecting. GRAPHIC: WHEN YOU JOIN THE 700 CLUB 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM What their hopes are. We will send this to you when you join the 700 Club. It takes just 65 cents a day. You may have, during the last telephone, said yes. But if you haven't, this is a good time to join a company of thousands and help little boys like Eric. 1-800-759-0700. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BRING IT ON PAT ROBERTSON: Now we've got some questions. KRISTI WATTS: We do, and the first one's kind of juicy. Are you ready for it? PAT ROBERTSON: I like juicy. KRISTI WATTS: I like juicy, too. It makes life more exciting. All right Connie starts us out. She says, “Is it a sin to stay in a marriage when you're not in love anymore? I have prayed to God to help me with my marriage, but I feel no different. It's not fair to my husband. I don't know what to do.” PAT ROBERTSON: Darling, it's a sin to leave your marriage. I don't know anything in the Bible that says a ground for divorce is you're not in love. KRISTI WATTS: Well, this is my thought process. If God can raise anybody from the dead, right? He can resurrect a man from the dead, dry bones, bring them to life, he can resurrect a marriage. I believe that. He can rekindle that love. He can do a miracle in relationships. PAT ROBERTSON: I think He can. KRISTI WATTS: And I think the key is what's the root issue? PAT ROBERTSON: Well, the question is did you start out that way? And if it is, go back to what you had before. But that's a good word. But no, it's not a sin to stay in a marriage where love is gone. No it isn't; I'm sorry. Well, Joy has a question. KRISTI WATTS: Yeah, you ready? She says, “I have some family members that have hurt me emotionally numerous times, and I forgive them without wanting to reestablish a relationship? Is it really forgiveness when you don't want anything to do with them?” Goodness. PAT ROBERTSON: I think the answer is yes, you can forgive in your heart, but there's nothing that says, for example, if you got hurt with a buzz saw, you have to keep putting your hand back in it again. If there is an ongoing hurt, God doesn't ask you to just continuously set yourself up for hurt and failure. But by all means, forgive. By all means love. By all means show love and see what God does. But cutting yourself from somebody, sometimes it hurts you more than it does them. “So I'm not going to talk to her,” and you've set up a barrier which will hurt you. Next question. KRISTI WATTS: Good word. PAT ROBERTSON: Thank you. KRISTI WATTS: You're welcome. Warren asks, what does the Bible say, if anything, on organ donation?” PAT ROBERTSON: They didn't have organ donations when the Bible was written. It was a still unknown. But I see nothing in the world wrong with giving organs. If you have a cornea, or you have some organ, and you're dead. KRISTI WATTS: Right, you don't need it. PAT ROBERTSON: You don't need it. Absolutely. So I think an act of love. What else? KRISTI WATTS: Kim wants to know, “How do I know that I am chosen by God and not an object of his wrath? I've accepted Jesus as my Savior, but I never feel His love. Could it be that He doesn't accept me?” Ah, that’s not true. You answer. PAT ROBERTSON: Yes, he accepts you, but what you have to do is ask yourself: have you really repented from your sin? Have you really turned your life over to Him? Are you living according to the Bible? I don't understand. If you're living for the Lord, and your life is given to Him, you will start feeling something. But your salvation does not depend on your feelings. It depends on the Word of God. What does the Word of God say? That's all the time we’ve got. We have our national worship service taking place on Sunday. It's called “The Super Bowl.” KRISTI WATTS (Laughing): I was trying to think what are you talking about? PAT ROBERTSON: Tomorrow we go behind the scenes of Super Bowl XLVI. Today we leave you with these words from Psalm 103 . . . . GRAPHIC: Psalm 103:12 “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” GRAPHIC: COPYRIGHT 2012 . . . . “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END SPOT: YOU WERE THERE KRISTI WATTS: Here at CBN, we see incredible things happen when we stand together. TERRY MEEUWSEN: That’s why we want to thank the thousands of you who recently pledged to join the 700 Club. KRISTI WATTS: Your monthly gift makes it possible to bring crucial help to people who need it most. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Each day you have a part in healing the sick, feeding the hungry and broadcasting the Gospel across America and around the world. KRISTI WATTS: You’ve brought hope and health to those in desperate need . . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: And changed their lives forever. ANNOUNCER: Just like you did for Desert Storm veteran Laura Bauer. After returning home with a severe back disability, she struggled to earn enough money to feed her children. That's when you gave her a hand up by providing food for her hungry family. You treated Laura with dignity and thanks, and fed her body and her soul. TERRY MEEUWSEN: So please watch for this mailing and send in your pledge. KRISTI WATTS: This year millions will experience the love and saving power of Jesus Christ . . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: Only because you were there.


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Full Episodes

Ross Johnston was raised by two mothers, but his life was transformed by the Father’s love. Plus, see how China is using a combat-free strategy...

A runner collapses and her husband attempts CPR. First responders find no pulse. See how she survives after being unconscious for twenty-eight...

Retired professional wrestler Hulk Hogan gets excited when talking about his relationship with Jesus. See why he’s all the way in with Christ as his...

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