The 700 Club - December 21, 2016
A baby with a two-percent chance of survival, and a mother who was advised to abort—watch her desperate prayer and see it answered at the perfect time.
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- A wonderland of toys is tucked away in this warehouse in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Moms and dads from all over the area came to fill their carts with presents to go under the tree.Melissa Payne says she was devastated when her water broke at just 19 weeks, but she refused to terminate her pregnancy and prayed to God for a miracle. She shares her story: “My husband came with me.CHRISTMAS WITH FAMILY Kimberly says her parents taught her the importance of remembering the “reason for the season” at Christmas. As a family they would always attend the candlelight service on Christmas Eve.Eat a tasty Christmas breakfast this year with recipes from author and lifestyle expert Kimberly Schlegel Whitman.Get Ask Anything: Biblical Answers to Life’s Most Probing QuestionDVD by Pat Robertson. Exclusively for CBN partners, it our gift to you when you join the 700 Club!Join the DVD Club today and get 3 copies of “King Solomon” plus 3 bonus DVDs and an Activity Book. Find out more!Display this free window cling at home or in your car. #keepCHRISTmas. Request yours now!Published since 1979, Southern Living Annual Recipes provides every single recipe from a year's worth of Southern Living magazine in one complete volume. From family-style meals and easy-to-pull-together weekend brunches to everyday family-pleasing treats, this annual compilation presents the best of the South with dozens of menus and great tips from the renowned Southern Living test kitchen professionals.Christmas All Through the South captures and celebrates the quintessential experience of Christmas in the South. Presented as a timeline of the Christmas season, each event depicted tells a highly visual story of local Southern traditions and classic holiday parties.
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