The 700 Club - September 11, 2017
Molly was like many college students who thought credit cards gave you free money. She was wrong. After drowning in $36,000 of debt, Molly experienced intense anxiety. Then she learned a new way to tackle debt. See what she did.
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- Molly Stillman is the host of a successful lifestyle and fashion blog. She has a loyal following of moms and even major corporations.Aaron and Sabrina were running a farm and raising their family in rural Wyoming. Then in 2016, their wheat crop was nearly wiped out by an agricultural disease called rust.When Bruce and Sabrena married, they brought different expectations about money to the altar. It was a second marriage for both, and Sabrena had struggled for several years as a single mother.Bert and Jeanne Metz tried to salvage what little they could, after Hurricane Sandy ripped through their home in Breezy Point, New York. At the time the storm hit, they were also in the middle of adding a room to their small house.“The plasterboard, the flooring warped, an area rotted out,” says Bert.Donnie and Bonnie love CBN and with good reason! Bonnie shares, “We’ve been married for 29 years and it’s been a part of our life for 29 years.” Shortly after getting married, the couple became CBN partners.Newlyweds Patrick and Cristina didn’t have much time to settle in to married life. Patrick is an infantry solder and was scheduled to leave for six months just three weeks after the weeding.Bri and Cliff and their kids love Superbook! Bri likes to share Superbook with friends and family whenever she gets the opportunity.Santos became a single parent of three after his wife passed away from cancer. 8-year-old Andrea is the oldest.Get Ask Anything: Biblical Answers to Life’s Most Probing QuestionDVD by Pat Robertson. Exclusively for CBN partners, it our gift to you when you join the 700 Club!Give using Pledge Express, CBN’s secure electronic giving, and receive a powerful teaching every month!
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