The 700 Club - September 15, 2017
Molly was like many college students who thought credit cards gave you free money. She was wrong. After drowning in $36,000 of debt, Molly experienced intense anxiety. Then she learned a new way to tackle debt. See what she did.
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- Molly Stillman is the host of a successful lifestyle and fashion blog. She has a loyal following of moms and even major corporations.Most Gulf Coast disaster relief volunteers say the same thing about Harvey’s swath of destruction. “Almost a sensory overload cause there was so much damage everywhere it was hard to grasp for a while,” says Richard Flennigan.Hurricane Harvey smashed the Texas coast leaving thousands homeless, stunned and hungry. Timing was critical for first responders, and CBN’s Operation Blessing Disaster Relief Team played a key supporting role.John lives in the Pacific Northwest, where he surveys land and negotiates timber contracts. For a decade, he was the picture of success.Jordan and Erin work hard and play hard. They stay fit; love a good meal; and like many millennials, they go on-line a lot and stay connected through social media.Within months of meeting Steve, Janet knew she’d met her match. Steve was almost everything on her wish list.Newlyweds Patrick and Cristina didn’t have much time to settle in to married life. Patrick is an infantry solder and was scheduled to leave for six months just three weeks after the weeding.Many days, Teko walks four miles to the river to fetch water in Karamoja, Uganda. Teko said, “One day, animals trampled the water.Bri and Cliff and their kids love Superbook! Bri likes to share Superbook with friends and family whenever she gets the opportunity.When Thanvish was born with a cleft lip and palate, her parents knew their neighbors would blame them. Her mother, Dipika, said, “In our village, they say if you are pregnant and cut vegetables during a solar eclipse, then your child will be born with a cut on his ear, or lip, or hand.” Her father, Sanghmesh, said, “After she was born, my heart broke when I saw her cleft lip.
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