The 700 Club - May 9, 2018
Denise and her husband Shane couldn't get on the same page regarding finances. When they got together on a new financial strategy, their income increased and their home had new joy and peace.
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- Today, thanks in part to the help of CBN’s Orphan’s Promise, Eric dreams of becoming a lawyer. But just a few years ago, his only focus was survival.For Army wife Brandi, keeping the household running smoothly alone is second nature. Her husband is currently deployed in Afghanistan.Tom and Sonia are CBN partners. Sonia is a teacher and Tom is the owner of a company called “Fish Houses by Tom” which specializes in building trailers used on frozen lakes for ice fishing.Once a year, all the ladies in LiFen's village compete in a dance contest. The top 10 get to perform during the Spring Festival.“My mother would always tell me, ‘If you clench on to anything then that's all you'll ever have. But if you give then you'll receive.’” Irene remembered those words and throughout the years gave when and what she could.Khoeurn’s parents were frantic as they realized their daughter was getting sicker by the hour. “I lost my first daughter when she was three.Alex and Diane are a young Jewish couple who immigrated to Israel from Belarus. They told me it was their dream to come to the Promised Land to build a better life for their two children.One day, as Dhushyant and his brother were playing, Dhushyant got shot in the eye with a stick. Dhushyant said, “When the stick hit my eye, water came out of my eyeball.With stunning cinematography and moving interviews, To Life follows Israeli volunteers in Uganda, Nepal, Greece, Kurdistan, and the Palestinian Territories to discover how Israel is fulfilling ancient prophecy by being a light to the nations today.Get this powerful teaching on angels by Pat Robertson. Call (800) 700-7000 to find out how to get your DVD!Give using Pledge Express, CBN’s secure electronic giving and receive a powerful teaching every month!
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