The 700 Club - May 15, 2018
A broken marriage with all the odds stacked against it finds a new hope. Plus, learn about the wisdom behind irrational giving with author Jill Donovan.
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- REGIFTING EMBARRASSMENT Raised by a mother who liked to regift, Jill thought it was a nice gesture and even had a closet in her home dedicated for giving gifts to others that she thought better suited them. For example, if she got a sewing kit as a gift, but didn’t know how to sew, why not give that gift to someone who loves sewing?When Tommy and Michele met in 2008 they were both new Christians healing from troubled pasts. Growing up, they’d both been victims of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, leading them to lives of anger, brokenness and violence.Today, thanks in part to the help of CBN’s Orphan’s Promise, Eric dreams of becoming a lawyer. But just a few years ago, his only focus was survival.Give generously and embrace the journey of life. In The Kindness Effect Rustic Cuff creator Jill Donovan focuses on concepts inspired by her most popular bracelets, telling the stories behind them while also sharing how they can impact the life of the reader and everyone they touch.Get this powerful teaching on angels by Pat Robertson. Call (800) 700-7000 to find out how to get your DVD!With stunning cinematography and moving interviews, To Life follows Israeli volunteers in Uganda, Nepal, Greece, Kurdistan, and the Palestinian Territories to discover how Israel is fulfilling ancient prophecy by being a light to the nations today.Give using Pledge Express, CBN’s secure electronic giving and receive a powerful teaching every month!
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