The 700 Club - May 16, 2018
She was once a victim of abuse, but now she’s in business to help those who are broken. Hear the story of one survivor who shares the proof as to how love heals. Plus, a Navy veteran with PTSD finds a path to peace.
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- FROM PAIN TO COMPASSION Becca’s father was a pastor and passed away when she was five years old. After his death, a “leader” in their church stepped in to help their family.Gary Buckaloo had a twenty-year career in the military. Although he never saw combat, as a child, he experienced post-traumatic stress at the hands of his stepfather.Anastasia hid in the basement and covered her head as bombs rained down on her city in southeast Ukraine. Anastasia explained, "It was the loudest sound I ever heard in my life.Get this powerful teaching on angels by Pat Robertson. Call (800) 700-7000 to find out how to get your DVD!With stunning cinematography and moving interviews, To Life follows Israeli volunteers in Uganda, Nepal, Greece, Kurdistan, and the Palestinian Territories to discover how Israel is fulfilling ancient prophecy by being a light to the nations today.Give using Pledge Express, CBN’s secure electronic giving and receive a powerful teaching every month!
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