The 700 Club - May 17, 2018
She’s the wife of Hercules both on screen and at home. Sam Sorbo shares her thoughts on investing in people. Plus, Scott Ross heads to Israel’s Independence Hall to relive the moment that changed world history.
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- SHARE THE LIGHT After the success of the movie, Let There Be Light, the devotional Share the Light, was born. It takes readers deeper into the Word of God, examining the power of stories and why Jesus chose to communicate with parables—stories that teach profound truths.Bob remembers it like it was yesterday. “One night, there was a knock on the door, it was my ex-girlfriend, and she said, ‘Hey, I’m pregnant.Make a Difference in Your World! Jesus spoke in parablesstories to teach truths with profound meaning.Get this powerful teaching on angels by Pat Robertson. Call (800) 700-7000 to find out how to get your DVD!With stunning cinematography and moving interviews, To Life follows Israeli volunteers in Uganda, Nepal, Greece, Kurdistan, and the Palestinian Territories to discover how Israel is fulfilling ancient prophecy by being a light to the nations today.The most important decision you can ever make is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. When you invite Him into your heart, you are born again. By acknowledging that He died on the cross for your sins, you receive forgiveness for your sins, freedom from guilt, and a fresh start. By His grace – not your own works – you are saved from eternal punishment and receive the assurance of going to heaven when your life on earth in finished.Give using Pledge Express, CBN’s secure electronic giving and receive a powerful teaching every month!
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