The 700 Club - July 29, 2019
An American hero returns home a changed man and faces his toughest battle yet. Plus, author Ryan Bomberger shares insights on living a life of purpose.
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- FINDING PURPOSE Ryan grew up in a Christian transracial home in Pennyslvania with 12 other siblings – 9 of whom were adopted, including him. When Ryan was 13 he found out his biological mom was raped yet she courageously gave him a chance at life by placing him for adoption (Ryan was adopted at 6 weeks old).Following the attacks of 9/11, over 2 million U.S. troops would be deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in the War on Terror.As a toddler, KeXin had a smile that won-over everyone around her. No-one questioned her lack of communication skills until she was two.Discover the mysterious story of how Israel’s most sacred treasures were stolen by man yet hidden by God. New DVD from CBN Documentaries.In The Plan, Pat Robertson unlocks the secrets to knowing and living God's will and purpose for your life. It’s our gift to you when you partner with CBN.The most important decision you can ever make is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. When you invite Him into your heart, you are born again. By acknowledging that He died on the cross for your sins, you receive forgiveness for your sins, freedom from guilt, and a fresh start. By His grace – not your own works – you are saved from eternal punishment and receive the assurance of going to heaven when your life on earth in finished.The Radiance Foundation is the official (and only) seller of new NOT EQUAL: Civil Rights Gone Wrong. International speaker, Emmy Award-winning creative professional, factivist and author Ryan Bomberger takes the reader on a journey through some of his most powerful published articles and visually creative memes about the fundamental Right to Life, abortion, adoption, fatherlessness, fake feminism, marriage, gender politics, #BlackLivesMatter, free speech and religious liberty.
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