The 700 Club - May 15, 2020
Michael had dreams of a six-figure income. Instead, he lost his job and didn’t know how to support his family. But he learned a financial strategy that he followed—even during the hard times—that made his dreams become reality. Learn how you can apply his strategy too!
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- All across the U.S., people have suddenly found themselves out of work due to the Coronavirus. Operation Blessing’s partners like Destination Church are stepping up to meet the unprecedented need.Like many places in the world, the streets of Guatemala City are mostly empty during COVID 19 pandemic. The government has urged residents to stay home except to get groceries.“Being alone with four kids was pretty scary, you know? Whenever the divorce happened and you're laying in bed at night thinking, just what if something happens.” As a single mom, Lori Carpenter worked a full-time job in electronic manufacturing and part-time in retail to support her four children.In the midst of the Coronavirus crisis, millions of people in the U.S. face hunger like never before.“911” “Um, I need to report a crash.” “Where at?” “Um, I need an ambulance here.” “Someone needs an ambulance?” “Yea there’s a boy, his head’s gushing blood in the back seat.” The caller was 18-year-old Lexi Asa. The “boy” was her 16-year-old brother Bobby.One regional hospital in Honduras has been trying to fight the COVID 19 virus without a very important weapon: The ability for people to wash their hands. Because the hospital is centrally located near the capital of Honduras, administrators like Dr.Experience true stories of God’s divine intervention and miraculous power. Get Pat Robertson’s new DVD, Do You Need a Miracle? Real Life Stories of God at Work Today.Give using Pledge Express, CBN's secure electronic giving, and receive a powerful teaching every month.Turkey and Syria have been devastated by the February 6 earthquake. Storms and freezing temperatures add to the suffering of those who have already lost so much—homes, property and loved ones. The need is desperate. Please give today.The most important decision you can ever make is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. When you invite Him into your heart, you are born again. By acknowledging that He died on the cross for your sins, you receive forgiveness for your sins, freedom from guilt, and a fresh start. By His grace – not your own works – you are saved from eternal punishment and receive the assurance of going to heaven when your life on earth in finished.You can combat disease internally, through your body’s own immune system—your gut! Learn how in this important News Alert. Download now!I AM PATRICK is the true, historical account of St. Patrick—an incredible story of kidnapping, slavery and redemption. Get your DVD, instant 4K streaming access!
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