The 700 Club - May 26, 2020
You’ve seen him on TV offering you his “My Pillow,” but before going into the sleep business, finding a peaceful rest was something that eluded Mike Lindell at every turn. Hear his amazing story on today’s 700 Club.
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- ‘“The more chaotic things got and the more I came out the other end and could say ‘Look what I went through!’ that was my self-worth.’” The chaos in Mike Lindell’s life started early. He was seven years old when his parents divorced.MEN UNDER ATTACK Lieutenant General (Ret.) William “Jerry” Boykin is concerned about the assault on men in America today. He explains, “It is causing families to disintegrate and leaving our homes, churches, and communities without male leadership.” His latest book, Man to Man, goes straight to the hearts of men to help them understand what their role is in the family, the church, and society in general.Join CBN as we stand and pray—agreeing together in unity for our homes, our loved ones, our neighborhoods, and our nation.Experience true stories of God’s divine intervention and miraculous power. Get Pat Robertson’s new DVD, Do You Need a Miracle? Real Life Stories of God at Work Today.The most important decision you can ever make is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. When you invite Him into your heart, you are born again. By acknowledging that He died on the cross for your sins, you receive forgiveness for your sins, freedom from guilt, and a fresh start. By His grace – not your own works – you are saved from eternal punishment and receive the assurance of going to heaven when your life on earth in finished.Turkey and Syria have been devastated by the February 6 earthquake. Storms and freezing temperatures add to the suffering of those who have already lost so much—homes, property and loved ones. The need is desperate. Please give today.You can combat disease internally, through your body’s own immune system—your gut! Learn how in this important News Alert. Download now!The people and nation of Israel need your prayers as they battle this unprecedented outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. Get your free copy of this prayer guide today!
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