The 700 Club - September 14, 2020
Rhonda worked two jobs seven days a week yet struggled to get by. She even hunted for loose change just to buy food. See how an important decision and a God-orchestrated phone call set her on a track filled with peace, favor, and a flood of financial increase. Learn the important spiritual keys that you can also apply to experience God’s blessings!
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- Rhonda Bell dreamt of a better financial future. She felt stuck working two jobs with irregular hours.Port Richey, Florida Because of Covid-19, many families have lost their jobs and now rely on food banks to help feed their families. In Port Richey, Florida, they go to Operation Blessing partner, Volunteer Way.Central Java, Indonesia 40-year-old Diana still remembers the day her husband left her with three small children to raise. “My children were very little,” she told CBN.Lynn was making great money at her dream job. She and her husband were even able to build a sizable retirement account.During their first year of marriage Josh and Liz saved enough money to move from Indiana to Redding California where they enrolled in Bethel’s school of ministry. But before long they were running out of money.Anne Marie Melnyk loves the Philadelphia Eagles. “All I need is a little bit of Eagles football and a whole lot of Jesus," said Anne Marie.Before the COVID- 19 pandemic hit, Grandma Navarad (na-VAR-ad) earned money selling prepared food near her home in Bangkok. But then the park where sold food shut down and so did her business.Watch real-life stories of people who have seen what trusting in the name of God can do! Get The Name of God, a new DVD by Gordon Robertson. It’s our gift to you when you partner with CBN.Give using Pledge Express, CBN’s secure electronic giving, and receive a powerful teaching every month.The most important decision you can ever make is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. When you invite Him into your heart, you are born again. By acknowledging that He died on the cross for your sins, you receive forgiveness for your sins, freedom from guilt, and a fresh start. By His grace – not your own works – you are saved from eternal punishment and receive the assurance of going to heaven when your life on earth in finished.Turkey and Syria have been devastated by the February 6 earthquake. Storms and freezing temperatures add to the suffering of those who have already lost so much—homes, property and loved ones. The need is desperate. Please give today.
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