The 700 Club - December 31, 2020
A man who lost his mother to cancer receives a devastating diagnosis of his own. Go along as this pastor heads to the doctor, but not for surgery.
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- Midlothian, VA When Dr. Merchant said, "You have cancer." That was like a body blow.Obi and Belinda Ndu have seven beautiful kids. They also run five thriving businesses that brought in over two million dollars last year.“Paul and the Unknown God”—Part 1 and 2. Your kids will learn how to defend their faith, a blessing now and throughout their lives. Get both DVDs, plus a Christmas bonus DVD. That’s 7 DVDs in all! And watch over 60 Superbook episodes online.CBN has an initiative to help active duty military families. We are coming alongside local churches by providing financial assistance to help congregations meet the needs of their military families. We aid churches in helping these families: Repair their homes and cars Replace broken appliances Purchase new mattresses Help with overdue mortgages Pay off medical billsGet free access to family-friendly Christmas movies, recipes, holiday music specials, and more on the CBN Family app. Watch now!Get the CBN News App today and watch the LIVE 2020 election night coverage!
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