The 700 Club - January 26, 2021
Stephanie and Allan had a $40,000 student loan debt. Through tough times and lost wages, it swelled to $80,000! When their bank suggested filing for bankruptcy, they turned to the Bible instead. Find out what happened when they put one powerful principle to the test!
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- Like many millennials, Stephanie and Allan Bortnick were in student loan debt. They were already up to $40,000 when Allan, an electrical designer, lost his job in a layoff.Lake Charles, LA Within just a month-and-a-half of each other, two hurricanes hit Lake Charles, Louisiana. “Looked like a bomb went through the whole city and surrounding areas,” said Trudy Faulk.Bev and Charlotte are best friends who’ve been described as “a couple of grannies on steroids.” Both their families were doing o.k. financially, until 2008, when the economy crashed.Since her first paycheck at the age of 16, Danesca Baez says she’s always embraced a “cheerful” mentality about tithing and giving. “I was a brand-new convert, in love, on fire for God,” At that time, she workedKING a fast-food job in New York City.Cambodia 10-year-old Lina and her brother are being raised by their grandma. Lina’s mom works far from home to support them.Ferndale, WA “I knew that our marriage was bad,” says Tiffany. “Whenever Tiffany would bring up that our marriage is not right, it’s horrible!” says Rick.
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