Devastated Couple Refuses Abortion, Embraces Prayer

“I felt defeated. I told my husband, I don't think I can do this anymore, you know, it's not worth it,” said Jennifer.

Jennifer and her husband Chris were ready for another baby after they had twins in 2010.  But one pregnancy after another miscarried, and Jennifer was ready to give up.   

“I lost a total of four pregnancies after the twins were born,” said Jennifer.  “And it was just so traumatic and devastating.”

Doctors had tried everything, so when she got pregnant a fifth time, they decided to do things differently.

“I literally had a conversation with God. I’m going to do things completely different this time. I'm just going to pray and completely 100% leave it up to you.  And just trust you.”  

Chris said, “We’d tried following the doctor’s prescriptions and suggestions and I think we were at the point if God wants this to happen then He’ll let it happen.”

When Jennifer made it past 11 weeks – which is when she lost the others – they knew their prayers had been answered.  She couldn’t wait for her 18-week check up.

Jennifer said, “I figured we'll get a nice clear shot of the baby on an ultrasound.  I can put it in the scrapbook, we'll probably be confirmed at this point if it's a boy or girl, "sure" you know, "sign me up."

They were disappointed that Chris, a police officer, had to work the day of the appointment.  Jennifer decided to go anyway.

“I’ll go and I’ll do it and then I’ll surprise you,” said Jennifer. “We’ll do like a gender reveal and I’ll let you know and everything will be fine. You don’t need to take off work.”

“You see the baby up on the big computer screen,” Jennifer explained her doctor’s appointment. “I’m laying and looking. And she's looking at all the parts and doing the doing the measurements but when she got up to the head section I can tell that her demeanor, changed.”

The ultrasound technician left to get the doctor. He returned with alarming news.

“And he said, I'm really sorry I have to tell you this. Your baby has very severe birth defects. I have tears coming, and I’m laying there telling myself "okay, don't lose it, you've got to ask questions”

He told Jennifer that parts of the baby’s brain were missing, and fluid was building up in the empty cavity.  He added that the baby’s heart wasn’t developing properly.

“I said, "okay, you know, give it to me straight. What am I facing here?" said Jennifer. “ And he said, "basically with the amount of defects and the severity of them, it would be very, very likely that you would lose the baby before you delivered.”

The doctor recommended she terminate the pregnancy.  Jennifer refused and went home to tell Chris.  

Jennifer said, “I was devastated and just exhausted and just mentally and physically, and just emotionally beat and drained. And I cried so much.”  

“There wasn’t anything I could do,” said Chris. “And seeing how it affected Jen, I think that was the hardest thing.”

Despite the report, Jennifer and Chris stood on the decision she made from the start.

Jennifer said, “I wasn't going to rely on doctors and that I was going to rely on God. So I just prayed.”

“I went through the Bible and any verse that just popped out and looked like it was relevant or was inspirational or just something to grasp onto, I would print that out on my computer and I would tack it to my wall.”

Jennifer was especially drawn to Matthew 18:19.

"Okay.  You said it God. It's in the Bible, so all right.  I’m going to believe it,” said Jennifer.  

By now they knew they were having a daughter, and named her Lynette. Jennifer and Chris posted on social media and called friends, family, and their church asking for prayer.

Jennifer said, “I had people in Israel, I had people everywhere praying for this pregnancy. I called The 700 Club. I called everybody I could think of.”

“And so I’m like, "okay, that is definitely more than two people right there, God, there's a lot of people on that list that are praying for this baby.  So I need a miracle."

Jennifer’s medical care was transferred to Hollywood Presbyterian. As doctors monitored the baby’s development they started making some baffling discoveries.

“I remember the first time when we got some good news,” said Jennifer. “ We went to the doctor and he was doing the ultrasound of her head and he's like, "oh, look at this. I see some more of her brain back here.”

“All of a sudden she miraculously had more of her brain. So this was like a celebration and we were telling our friends, everybody, everybody was just thanking God, praise you Jesus, thank you so much,’ said Jennifer.

They continued praying and on June 13, 2013 baby Lynette was born with a perfectly normal brain.  Still, doctors suspected that the baby would need surgery to repair her heart and transferred her to Los Angeles Children’s Hospital. After testing, doctors found nothing wrong.

“So you're telling me my child that was going to possibly die before I gave birth, or soon after, is completely normal and healthy and healthy and happy.  And he said, "yeah."  So, it was just an answer to many, many, many prayers,” said Jennifer.

Today, Lynette has no problem keeping up with her brother and sister.  

“I don’t think the doctors missed anything, they saw what they saw, I think they were seeing what they were trained to look for.  I think it was a miracle,” said Chris.

"Oh, I literally am walking proof, and my child is walking proof that God still does miracles,” said Jennifer.  “You've just got to open your mind and your heart and have faith and you'll see them.” 

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