Brain Tumor Dissolves by Power of Prayer

“Sometimes my head would hurt so bad I couldn't lift my head off of the bed,” Evelyn says.  “I thought it was due to high blood pressure, but then I found out, of course, that it wasn't.”

For her whole adult life, Evelyn suffered with bad headaches. But the one she got on a Sunday in April 2014, was unlike all the others.

“Kinda like a heartbeat just thumping in the top of my head, and the pain was worse than anything I had ever felt in my life before,” she admits.  “And I got up and went to the emergency room, that's how bad it was.”

After an M-R-I, the doctor gave her the news.

"’Evelyn, I've got some good news and I've got some bad news.   The bad news is there's a tumor on your brain. The good news is the tumor is not cancerous.’  My first thought was ‘Is this going to kill me? Am I gonna die?,’ Evelyn confesses.  “That's when I found out that the tumor was inoperable because it was too close to my optic nerve and it could cause me to lose the sight in my right eye and it could also cause a lot of brain damage.”

Over the next three months, Evelyn went through five rounds of radiation. At home, things had already been rough.

“The whole time that I'm going through this my husband is dying. And I'm taking care of him every day just like nothing's wrong with me.  I felt like ‘God, where are you in all of this? I mean, what's-what's really going on here? You know, I love you, I serve you and so why is this happening to me?," she says.     

It was too much to deal with alone, so Evelyn reached out for help.

“I knew that prayer could change things,” she says. “And so I began to recruit people to pray for me, and they did. “

“We prayed ...cause I didn't want to lose her. She's my mentor,” her friend, Mildred, says.
Evelyn’s son, Cedric, says, “I had to gather myself and remember that God is ultimately in control and that God is a healer and that God could heal my mother.”

And her daughter, Ebony, adds, “Just asking the Lord to heal her, to look over her to bless the doctors that were treating her.”

In three months, Evelyn had another M-R-I to see if the radiation was working.

“He said, ‘Well, there's uh no progress, but I wasn't expecting any.’ I said, ‘Yeah, but I was.’ I said, ‘Because I'm believing God to heal me. So I was expecting some progress.’ And he said, ‘Well, come back in three months and we'll check again.’"

Meanwhile, Evelyn’s headaches continued, along with the difficulty of caring for her husband. Another three months, five treatments, and countless prayers later, the outlook was even worse.

“’The tumor is wrapped around your orbit, or the socket that holds your eye in,’ he said.  ‘You've already had radiation to treat that part, so we'll just have you come back in another three months and see where we are.’"

That report - and the possibility of losing her sight in one eye - was especially hard for her family to hear.
“I don't understand why this is not getting better. I mean, we're all praying.   It made me feel helpless, out of control,” Cedric admits.  

“The hardest part for me would be seeing her after the radiation treatments because of how they would wear her down,” Ebony says.  

“My faith by then had grown in God so much that it didn't faze me,” Evelyn states. “Cause I – no matter what they told me, I was still determined to believe that God was going to do what he said he was going to do.”

Then Evelyn sensed the Lord direct her to stop praying for healing and start praising him. She asked her loved ones to do the same.

Mildred says, “Okay, now she really trippin'. She want me to stop prayin'."

Despite their doubts, everyone agreed.

“And while I lay there on that table I just said, ‘I will bless the Lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth.’"

Then nine months after her diagnosis, Evelyn returned to the doctor for another scan.

“He was smiling and he said, ‘Mrs. Cartwright, I've got good news.’ And I said, ‘Yeah?’ He said, ‘The tumor is dead.’ And I just lost it. I just lost – I just began to praise God. “

“She says, ‘It's gone.’ I said, ‘Gone where? Tumors travel. Gone where?’,” Mildred says. “She said, ‘No girl.  It's dead.’"

“And Mildred was on the phone screaming like a crazy lady,” Evelyn says, laughing.   
The tumor simply dissolved over the next few years, and Evelyn has felt great since the last scan. She’s grateful that her husband lived long enough to know she was doing well.  She says the whole experience deepened her family’s faith in the Lord.”

“It taught me to always be grateful, to cherish the people that you love,” Cedric says.  “There are so many lessons that came from it. “
“It's the best thing ever that she's still here and she's able to be here with me and my brother.,” Ebony adds.

“Now I feel that I can trust Him for anything in my life. I feel that if He healed a brain tumor, then He can do anything,” Evelyn shares.  “All things are possible if you can believe.“

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