Out-of-Control Disease Vanishes Without Explanation
“The thought of losing Noah was one of the most terrifying things I've ever walked through. But I knew that if I was losing him in the hands of Jesus, that's the safest place for him to be.” reflects Lindsay Stoltz.
As an infant, Noah had several ear and viral infections. His parents, Lindsay and Dalton grew concerned.
Lindsay looks back, “He kept getting sick, with a lot of viruses, ear infections, over and over. So our pediatrician recommended that we get his immune system tested. And that was the first time that we found out that Noah indeed had an immune deficiency and that viruses that he was catching, he never built immunity up to, so he kept catching the same things over and over.”
“I just remember my wife coming, you know, at different times, she's like, 'Do you think he's ever gonna get better?' Like, 'Is this ever gonna change?'" says her husband Dalton.
As he grew, Noah continued to struggle with numerous health issues and doctor’s failed to find answers. At age 4 a new test on his immune system was ordered and the results showed it was fine. Doctor’s then told Lindsay it could be something worse.
With trembling emotion Lindsay tells us, “I remember the day that she called and said his immune system was perfect, I had known that our options were his immune system, or an autoimmune disease, which there's not a cure for, or cancer.
And so when she ruled out his system, I remember the day I picked him up from preschool that day, and I just watched him through the window for a while. And just tried to gather myself. Because I knew something was seriously wrong with him, and it was worse than we had thought.”
Noah told Lindsay something she would not forget, “One night as I was tucking him in bed, he looked at me and he said, 'Mom, you know you can't make me better.' And he said it so matter of factly. And I said, 'I know. But I'm just trying to help.' And he said, 'Only God can make me better.'"
“I didn't know what he was saying, and I feared losing him on a regular basis, just because I didn't know what was going on with him. So the peace that he had, that he was gonna get better, also caused a lot more fear in me – somehow, that he needed help right away.”
Meanwhile Dalton continued in prayer, “The Lord had really given me peace. As we continue just to fix our heart, our minds on Jesus, I really believe uh that the Lord's gonna heal our son. But I told her, 'I truly believe it's gonna get much worse before it gets better.' The only thing I knew how to do was to pray and then, as well, just to be a source of encouragement.”
A day Lindsay would not forget, “He came home one day from school, and he was having a lot of pain in his heart, down his arm, and he started breaking out in what looked like hives or a rashing on his torso. And so I was watching him really carefully, and I called his doctor and they said, 'Give him Benadryl and see if it settles. If it doesn't, he needs to come to the ER right away.'"
Noah did not improve and was taken to the hospital and admitted to the ER
Lindsay continues, “He just spiraled out of control very quickly. It really was the grace of God that we went to the hospital that night. The rashing that had been on his torso spread over his entire body and even his face was swelling, and he began to throw up violently. And they said, 'If we don't get him stable, we're in big trouble. So our number one priority is to get him stable.'”
Dalton remembers, “If I didn't know that that was my son, I wouldn't – I wouldn't recognize him. That's a – that's a-a place that I wouldn't for anyone.”
Lindsay states, “I remember crying out to God saying, 'I feel like the very gates of Hell have come against my child.' Like, look at him. And I just felt the Holy Spirit saying, 'I know what that feels like,' because His Son really had – come against the gates of Hell and overcome. And so there was peace in that, that there was nothing we were about to walk through that He couldn't relate with.”
Dalton, a pastor says, “We believe in the power of prayer. And-and we believe that God hears our prayers. And so, as we were crying out to God in desperate prayer, I just – I was having hope that God was gonna do something. And do what only He is able to do. We enlisted an army of people to pray alongside us, to pray for us, to pray with us. And-and I know that people were interceding uh before the Father right along with us.”
Several tests were run on Noah in the ER, and Lindsay recalls, “The doctor came in and he said, 'I can tell you everything that's off on his bloodwork. I cannot tell you why. He's not consistent with anything that we've dealt with before.'"
She continues, “The doctor had said, 'If he does not eat this morning, we're gonna have to put in a feeding tube.' And that morning he woke up and he asked for a cracker. And then another. And then another. And all of a sudden, he was eating again. Slowly each day Noah was actually getting stronger. So now they were trying to figure out, okay, he's stable, what just happened?”
By the 5th day in the hospital Noah had fully recovered with no explanation from the doctors. The Stoltz family points to the power of prayer for their son’s healing.
With a big smile Lindsay says, “We were so overjoyed that Noah was recovering, and so rapidly. In fact, the doctor said, 'I've never seen a patient deteriorate so quickly and rebound so quickly.'"
Dalton also happily states, “That season, those five days in the hospital, was just a constant battle just to remember the truth of who God is and to not doubt Him in the middle of the storm.”
Lindsay gratefully reflects, “I marvel at what God's done in Noah every single day. And it is a picture of Jesus. Because to this day I can't tell him what happened to him. No one knows what happened to him. So I know beyond a shadow of a doubt God healed him.
Four years later and no health issues Noah chimes in, “My name is Noah, hey everybody! I got sick and my skin was turning blue. And uh then I was at the hospital for five days, and then God healed me.”
With reverence Lindsay says, “I just have seen God's hand of faithfulness and provision and healing in Noah's life, that has taught us so much. Just that He can be trusted. And things don't always go the way that you desire for them to go, but God is with you in the midst of it.”