Serving God, Country and Family

Breathtaking scenery can be seen for miles around Colorado Springs, Colorado.  Staff sergeant Brian is stationed here at the nearby airforce academy and enjoys the outdoors with his family.  But when he’s gone, his wife Erica manages the household alone.  It’s hard sometimes, but she’s proud of Brian’s service in the Airforce.

Erica says, “You’re sacrificing a lot. You’re leaving your family, your kids at home to protect the whole entire country. So I’m very proud of him.”

They haven’t always been a family of seven.  Brian and Erica adopted three brothers’ that came from a difficult past.

Erica continues, “My heart was… these boys needed a loving home and they needed someone to take care of them. They were in a very, very bad situation.”

With three additional kids, the couple had to restructure the family budget.

Brian admits, “When it was the four of us, us two and the two boys, it was a lot easier. We really didn’t have anything to worry about. All the bills were getting paid.”

The couple wanted to start saving to buy furniture for an empty den to give the boys a place to hang out.  They hoped to buy camping gear too but first they had to come up with the money to replace their washer and dryer.

Erica says, “It is scary, but we knew that God would provide for us when we needed it. He’s always provided for us in the past.”

The family’s church contacted CBN’s Helping the Home Front and asked if we could help.  The answer was yes!  Pastors Todd and Kelly Hudnall came by to tell them the news.

Pastor Kelly said, “CBN blessed Radiant so we could bless your family. One of the things that you’re going to receive today are a new washer and dryer. It’s way better than that!”

Pastor Kelly also told them CBN was buying them family room furniture and a master bedroom set.

Erica replied, “We’ve never had a bedroom set.  I’m kind of speechless. We didn’t expect any of this, you know. We just wanted to give these kids a home.”     

There was one more surprise— A generous donation from Bass Pro Shop.

“They have provided for your family tents and sleeping bags and even a collapsible kitchenette, along with two kayaks. Your family’s going to have a lot of fun. We’re so grateful to CBN for making this possible and allowing Radiant Church to be able to bless you guys.”    

The family went to see their new washer and dryer and then went shopping to pick out their new furniture.  And American furniture warehouse offered deep discounts on every item.  Then it was off to Bass Pro Shop to see their new camping gear.  A special day for the entire family, thanks to Helping the Homefront.

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