700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Military Couple Faces Financial Strain

US Marines George and Cori were not only fellow squadron members, they are husband and wife. Both were sent into battle after 9/11.

Cori says, “I knew it was going to change everything because females were going in. And there hadn’t been females going into combat previously at this point. So, myself and a couple others were the first females to go forward in combat and actually fly.”

After returning from Afghanistan they started a family. In 2018, George retired and began a new career. Just a few weeks later, their daughter Tilly was diagnosed with a rare disease of the pancreas and sent across the country to Boston to see a specialist.

Cori says, “Living out of a hotel room for a month at a time, eating three meals. It became, whoo! ... because we were still feeding children at home.”

In addition to flights, hotels, and meals, the couple also paid for Cori’s parents to fly to California to look after their other three children.

Cori explains, “We're still having to make sure that we've left everything in place for the kids to survive and to have what they need, while we're still maintaining a whole other household on another coast.”

Tilly stabilized and they returned home, but required multiple doctors’ visits back in California, plus another trip to Boston. They prayed about what to do next.

George says, “I quit my job. So, I had a job up in L.A. and it was too far away, so I just quit my job. And then, that way I could be there to kind of help out Tilley and everybody.”

That decision would mean a substantial loss of income.

George says, "Thinking about finances was stressful. If I have to take all my savings and all of my money out of my IRA and everything else, that was gonna happen."

Thankfully, the family didn’t have to, because North Coast Church contacted Helping the Home Front. Tracie Moss invited the couple over to tell them CBN would reimburse the thousands of dollars they incurred due to Tilly’s illness.

Tracie says, “We want to make sure that we give the help that you need so that you can focus on tilly and focus on your kids. So, we want to be here for you.”

The couple replies, “Thank you very much. Thank you.”

Tracie continues, “We want to support and pay for that trip back to Boston and parents trips back here.”

Cori replies, “I don't even know how to, honestly, to put it into words. It’s a relief, honestly. So, thank you, very much.”

This marine family can now focus on keeping Tilly healthy, without financial stress.

Cori concludes, “It’s going to make it easier.  It’s takes away that stress of what if, what’s next, what will we need to do? So, we can’t thank CBN enough for the financial support.”

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