700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Helping the Home Front Helps Dream Come True for Disabled Veteran

Beginning in 2003, the world’s eyes were glued to the invasion of Iraq. Marine Corps machine gunner Brandon Burns had a front row seat in the battle of Fallujah, which almost cost him his life.

Brandon explains, “I was shot. The bullet went into my brain, and went out my head. I was medivacted from Fallujah to Bagdad. I died five times.”

Doctors told Brandon he’d never walk or talk. He couldn’t cope with that news. “I wanted to give up.”

However, after 4 years of physical therapy (PT), this marine can walk and talk. During PT he met and married Laura. Brandon doesn’t let his partial paralysis prevent him from taking care of his family. “I wouldn’t have come this far unless God has given me the strength.”  

Brandon’s injuries prevent him from working full time. He wanted to work part time, though, for a church planting ministry near Quantico Marine Base. The problem? Quantico is in Virginia and the Burns lived in Memphis. The family started packing anyway, trusting God for moving money they didn’t have. Laura says, “I wasn’t worried about the finances, because the Lord has always provided. We had full faith that this was all going to come together.”

Back in Virginia, Pillar Church pastor, Colby Garmin knew that coming up with the funds to move the family would be tough. Pastor Garmin explains, “As excited as we are to integrate him into the ministry life, we recognize it takes partners - partners like CBN.”
Pastor Garmin asked CBN's Helping the Home Front to relocate the Burns. While the Burns were packing up their home, they had a surprise visitor. 
Pastor Garmin told the couple that Helping the Home Front would pay for their move. And he had even bigger news. “We are going to pay for the first month’s rent in the new home that you guys are going to be moving in to. Do you think that will help you guys out?”
The Burns settled into their new home in Virginia and are now living their dream sharing the Gospel.
“We are so thankful to Helping the Home Front because they looked at a guy like Brandon and said we want to be a part of that,” says Pastor Garmin. “We want to help him pursue the dreams that God has put in his heart”.
“I can’t say thank you enough.”

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