Hindu Girl Secretly Explores Another Religion

One morning, while making tea for her family, Jainy came across CBN India’s TV program, "Ek Nayee Zindagi," which means "A Brand New Life."  She saw a story about a girl whose family members had all passed away.

Jainy explained, "This girl, who had lost everything, didn’t give up on life.  I wondered what was the reason that was driving her to move forward in life."

Jainy found out "that reason" was Jesus.  She wanted to learn more about Him, but growing up in a strict Hindu family, it was forbidden to explore other religions.  So for the next three months, she secretly watched the show and learned about salvation and how God forgives sins.  Jainy even had some of her prayers to Jesus answered.  That’s when she knew it was time to make a decision.

"I went to my room, locked the door, got on my knees, confessed my sins and gave my life to Jesus," said Jainy.  "After that prayer, for the first time in my life, I felt the peace of God and my heart was filled with love."

 Jainy wanted her family to feel this same peace and love, so she prayed in front of them for personal problems they faced.

Jainy said, "Many times, my prayers were instantly answered.  So this made my parents slowly grow in the Lord. They also started watching the show.  It was around that time when my younger brother started to have suicidal thoughts.  So I told my parents, 'Let's all pray for Ajay.'  When we prayed, God touched Ajay and delivered him from all those thoughts. When my parents saw the change in Ajay, they started believing that Jesus is the one, true God and decided to dedicate their lives to Him."

Today, Jainy's entire family is Christian.   They start their day with prayer and watch "Ek Nayee Zindagi."

Jainy gratefully said, "Through this show, my life has changed, my family members’ lives have changed and peace was restored in my family.  Through this show, I have gained a deeper connection with the Lord and I have experienced His love."

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