Cash-Strapped Church Avoids Closure by Giving Money Away

Golden Triangle Church on the Rock is a popular place on Sunday mornings, but when Pastor Ron first came here in 1988, the church was in eight hundred thousand dollars of debt and about to close its doors.

Pastor Ron explains. “All of a sudden, with the oil crash, people began to lose their jobs and lose their incomes, and it was just a matter of an economic downturn that just could not find a place to get a foothold and start climbing back out. I knew that we needed to participate with God in the miracle that we needed.”

As Ron prayed for direction on the church’s future, he made a promise to God.

“I said ‘Lord, if you’ll just give us some money, Lord, the first money we get, I’m going to give an offering to CBN, like seed in the ground.’ The best ground that I knew of was CBN, The 700 Club.”’

Later that day, the church secretary found some money in the back of the church safe.

“So, I took that and I sent twenty-five dollars of that to CBN,” Ron recalls. “We, the church of the living God, we believe God is going to help us.”

Pastor Ron encouraged the congregation to believe for a miracle. Six months later, the church was out of debt!

“As they began to give, the miracle of God began to happen,” he says. “More money began to pour into their life and they continued to be faithful. And in six months, our debt had been paid.”

Since that time, the church has grown substantially.  Now, their work can be seen around the world.  Pastor Ron credits that change to giving to CBN.

“Deciding to partner with CBN was a turning point in our church. Looking back, that’s when things changed, and today, as we sit here, we now have churches, orphanages, medical clinics, feeding centers, schools, preaching points, in country after country after country. And I link it as a direct result of that initial seed. CBN is fertile soil. They have been given a responsibility and they’re doing their job. Not only to meet needs around the world, but to invest for people’s eternity.”

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