A Strategy for Success That Led to Millions

Bob is the man behind the multi-million dollar construction company just named the best custom builder in Washington, DC.

Forty years ago, before Thorsen Construction Company was even an idea, Bob knew what he wanted to do with his life.

“I knew I had to become part of God’s economy. And he says that we are to be tithers and to give to his work.”

It is a lesson he learned through his favorite television show. Bob enjoyed the program so much; he had to trek through a mountain just to see it.

“We had a pastor friend who could get a signal of a show called the 700 Club.”

Pat talked about giving. He knew the secret to becoming part of God’s economy.

Bob wanted to join the 700 Club, but he had no income.  So he took a job for $2.75 an hour using a pickaxe to break up rocks.

“I did it to become part of God’s economy.  And then I started giving.”

Soon after, Bob says God directed him to do something that seemed unusual at the time.

“I bought five dollars worth of apples, and then the Lord told me, ‘Go to that house, knock on the door, and give the lady the apples.’ And the lady said ‘Praise the Lord, I’ve been praying for apples.’”

Bob befriended the elderly lady, and repaired her aging house for free.    

“Then, the neighbors would say, ‘hey, would you come do some work at my house?’ That was the start of Thorsen Construction Co.”

Sudie, Bob’s wife remembers the early days. “There were days when we would just pray in the payroll and days we’d pray that sink would arrive so that we would get paid that day.”

Still, the business grew, and Bob and Sudie continued to tithe regularly. While their business had several years of ups and downs, the recession of 2008 – 2010 threatened to close their doors.

Bob says, “it looked like it was over with for us. I told my wife, “if we don’t get a loan”, we are not going to make it through this time.”

Bob applied for loans at three banks and was turned down.

They also said, “If you would stop giving money to Christian causes, you wouldn’t be in this position you are in.”

A few weeks later, Bob’s payroll was due, and he knew he couldn’t make the payments to his employees.  In desperation, Bob went back to the bank.  

“They said, ‘Mr. Thorsen, don’t worry about it, we’ll cover you up to $100,000.’ The same bank that turned me down just a few weeks ago is now saying ‘don’t worry about it.’ There is no way to explain it except God doing it.”

Two weeks later, Thorsen Construction signed an eight million dollar contract, the largest in the company’s history. Bob says, “we’ve just been growing and growing and growing ever since.”

The Thorsen’s gratitude is reflected in their faithful giving to CBN for the past forty-plus years.

Bob says, “CBN is still focused on the vision to spread the gospel throughout the whole world until the end comes. I have never seen a ministry that comes close to doing what CBN does.”

Sudie says, “Every time someone is saved, I got to be a part of that.”

As the Thorsens relax at their home in the Blue Ridge mountains, they think about the giver of all their  blessings. Bob eyes fill with tears when he remembers, “I look back and I am just amazed.”

They encourage everyone to give as they do.

Bob says, “You need to start giving.  And then watch what God will do for you. He will start taking care of you.  You will see him enter into your life in a new dimension.”

Sudie adds,  “It doesn’t have to be a lot. We started with just a little. Tithing is more about your heart than it is about the money.”

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