700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Try This for a Year to Radically Improve Your Finances

Sales dried up in Keith and Terry’s business, and they practically lost everything—even their home. In this tough time, they were reminded of a money principle that gave them hope and security again. Keith challenges you to apply it to your life. Find out what it is.


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Full Episodes

A husband experiences internal bleeding and is rushed to the ER. Hear what his wife prays and see what saved his life on today’s 700 Club.

A boy walks into oncoming traffic and is struck by a car traveling at 30 mph. He’s thrown 15 feet into the air and lands on his head. Find out how he...

Actor Brian Patrick Wade shares about his new role as an American revolutionary hero. Plus, take a behind-the-scenes look at the largest and oldest...

During a home invasion, a man chases after a robber and encounters two more. The last thing he remembers is hearing a gunshot. Discover how he...

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