700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

13-year-old Entrepreneur Tithes with Joy

Gaylord, MI

Sofia Kunst had already developed a knitting hobby by the age of 12 after learning how to knit blankets from her grandmother. One day she ran into a “snag." She was running out of yarn.

Reflecting on that moment, Sofia says, “I didn’t have enough money to buy more yarn, because the yarn I like to make blankets with is more expensive.”

Sofia’s mom, Courtney, suggested she use the remaining yarn and weave a wall tapestry and sell it. They found a design online, and for three days Sofia sat at her loom, weaving her creation. When it was finished, Courtney posted it on Facebook for sale.

Courtney remembers, “As soon as I posted it, she was getting comments like right away.” 

Courtney tells Sofia the good news right away. “And then someone messaged me and was like "I want it. Take it off. You know, tell everyone it's sold." Excited by the news, Courtney encourages her daughter, "Sof…you just sold your first tapestry!"

“When it sold, I was extremely surprised! I did not expect it to sell,” recalls Sofia. “It made me feel really happy and excited! I got to work on them the next day.”

It wasn’t just the one tapestry… three more orders came in that same day! Soon, what used to be a hobby, became a business - Interwoven by Sofia Grace.

With her parent’s guidance, the now teenage entrepreneur began learning the ins and outs of running a business – including a system to handle money.

Sofia shares, “Well before we can spend our money, we have to put it into the jars. There are three jars and they each get 10%. The third jar is the ‘Save Jar’ which we put in for special occasions. The 2nd jar is the ‘Give Jar’ and that we give to World Orphans.”

And as for the first jar… “The first jar is the ‘Tithe Jar’ and that goes to the church,” says Sofia joyfully. 

Sofia recalls where she learned about tithing, she says “Honestly, tithing is something that I grew up with. My parents always tithed 10% and it always went to the church.”

For such a young business owner, Sofia is definitely growing into a joyful giver. “I think it’s important to do it because God calls us to; but it’s also a great way to show that He is our provider.” 

Dad Tom has every reason to be proud of his daughter and the lessons he and his wife, Courtney, are passing down to Sofia about trusting God, “It’s to show that He is the one who provides us, at the root of it it's an opportunity to-to practice trusting God. The more we can train them in that way to first and foremost know that they can trust God, I think the better job we've done as parents and raise them up to be – to be Jesus”, he exclaims.

In her first 6 months, Sofia started selling her tapestries at two consignment shops in addition to her online sales. During busy times, she even enlisted the help of her younger sister to fill the extra orders. Of the work Sofia says, “I was super surprised and excited. I never thought I would be in a store with tapestries or not. And then it happened. It’s gotten really busy at times, like around Christmas time I was doing one every day, sometimes two a day.”

Courtney and Tom see this adventure as a gift for the family. Tom says, “I would maybe just add aside from, you know, any financial blessing. It's just a great experience for the family. It allows her [Sofia] to connect with her siblings too. The whole thing has been a blessing for us.”

In its first year of business, ‘Interwoven by Sofia Grace’ has sold over 100 tapestries, and has no fears of running out of yarn. Sofia is excited for the opportunity to continue her giving to God and His work, through helping others.

Looking forward to her daughter’s budding business, Courtney says, “I was like, 'I think God's going to use this for something.' Like she definitely seems like she's blessed and His hand is on her business."

As for Sofia, she hears what Jesus is telling her, “And I believe Jesus said, 'Whatever you give you will get it back in the same measure.’ I don’t believe it’s very literal, but [the] more you give money, you get Joy something like that, because I know I do.”

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