Fleeing Humanitarian Crisis In Venezuela
Operation Blessing reporter, Roberto Torres, said, “This is the highway that thousands of Venezuelan refugees are walking every day as they flee the humanitarian crisis in their country. To get to this point, they have walked three days facing the blazing sun. They’re exhausted, dehydrated, and in need of food and basic medical attention. For many of them, the long journey continues into Ecuador, Peru, and as far as Argentina.”
A tearful Venezuelan mother on the journey explained, “I thought it would be easier. I thought it wouldn’t hurt this much to see my daughters and my mother in such conditions. One of the first nights we spent in the shelter, my mom had an awful night. She asked us to just leave her there in the shelter we found. She had a stomach issue and we had to use all the diapers we had for my youngest daughter. Anyway, we have all come as a group, walking and we haven’t split up.”
Roberto said, “Operation Blessing strategically positioned to meet and aid Venezuelan refugees along the way. We have set up water filtration systems in key locations along the route and medical tents to treats those suffering from dehydration, respiratory and stomach infections, blood pressure problems, and other ailments inflicted by the journey.”
The Venezuelan mother said, “Thank you, Operation Blessing, for the support you have given to the Venezuelans, who came on this road, with the same destination, with the same need. It is truly a big help. We are very grateful.”