700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Living With Rats and Snakes

Moira and her two kids lived in a floating house on the Amazon River. The problem was it could barely float and pests get in, like rats, snakes and roaches. She couldn’t afford to move. Guess who felt compassion for this struggling family and reached out with a gift of love!


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Full Episodes

A boy walks into oncoming traffic and is struck by a car traveling at 30 mph. He’s thrown 15 feet into the air and lands on his head. Find out how he...

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During a home invasion, a man chases after a robber and encounters two more. The last thing he remembers is hearing a gunshot. Discover how he...

A motorcyclist rides without a helmet and is hit by a van running a red light. One biker’s family receives the call they always feared and witnesses...

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