700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

“Our Roof Was Just Lifting Off the House”

Panama City Beach, FL

Missy and Chad live in Panama City Beach, FL with their 3 kids. They live in a house on a concrete slab, away from the beach, so when Hurricane Michael came, they thought they were safe. Then the storm hit full force. Missy captured those terrifying moments on her cell phone.  

“It was whistling,” said Missy, “and the wind and the rain is coming so fast it’s like white outside. You can hardly see anything. And the trees started falling, and cracking, and crashing."

“I feel like I’m the protector of my family,” said Chad, “so I’m running around checking things. Our roof was just lifting off the house."

“So we started singing that one song, ‘What a Beautiful Name it is,’” said Missy, “and it was like this most amazing peace just completely filled the room. When everything slowed down, we were able to go outside the house and it was a mess in just two hours’ time.”

Their home was severely damaged by the storm. Forced out of their house, they scrambled to come up with a place to live.

"After the storm, a lot of the places on the beach raised their prices on rent every month.”

The only option the family could afford was a small RV they found on Craigslist.

“Ya know we been 9 months in this RV, 5 of us living here,” said Chad, “it’s been rough being in here.”

“We’ve tried to like hold this together,” said Missy through tears, “and try to be positive. And there were days where I would go in the house and it would be like nothing’s happening. It looks the same as it did after the house was stripped down."

Then Chad got an unexpected call from Operation Blessing.

“And he’s like, ‘How would you feel if we came and did your insulation and sheetrock, " said Chad emotionally.

Operation Blessing helped Missy and Chad save their house. We redid their insulation along with the drywall and floors.

“We are so grateful, thank you,” Missy said excitedly.

Thanks to the support of Operation Blessing donors, Missy and Chad are getting their lives back on track.

“Just going in there today and looking at my house,” said Chad through tears, “with the sheetrock going up. It just takes your breath away."

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