700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

150 Pounds of Food for Every Family

Nashville, TN

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many families are running short of food for the first time. Joseph’s Storehouse, an Operation Blessing partner outside of Nashville, is serving lines of cars that stretch as far as the eye can see. 

Ministry director Benny Nolen shares, “Because of coronavirus, we have seen a lot of those who have been furloughed from jobs, those who have been laid off from jobs and just don’t have the additional resources to pay their bills as well as feed their family.”

“It has been a struggle,” says Megan Beckham. “My husband works for a restaurant downtown. COVID hit. That’s been closed. I worked in ophthalmology and I did reservations and things like that. They cut my hours. So then they cut us completely all the way down, and so literally for the past six months we have been just trying to make it. Trying to live.”

Sarith Rin shares, “When I was working at SEVA, they made us stay home, so we’re out of a job. Struggling. Struggling.”  

Joseph’s Storehouse has partnered with Operation Blessing for more than 15 years. They knew they could count on us to help fill their wheelbarrows, which contain 150 pounds of food for every family that drives up.   

“It really helped a lot,” said Sarith. “It’s a blessing! I could still have something in the refrigerator for the kids to actually open up, get juices, get food.”

“I just needed help food-wise,” shares Sarah Davenport, “and it was absolutely incredible. I just couldn’t believe it, I mean, it’s just such a blessing to be able to go to bed and know that there’s plenty of food for my kids. I really, really thank you for it.”

Benny Nolen said, “Through donors who give to Operation Blessing, we get that tractor trailer load full of food, drinks, we get that every month, and there’s a lot of peace in that, knowing we have that relationship with Operation Blessing and what they’re able to provide for us.”  

“When you’re able to give and they do,” says Megan, “they don’t understand the person’s life that they’re changing. I’m so excited to be able to have food to take home. For someone to do that for us, we really appreciate everything!”

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