700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

COVID-19 Crisis Continues

Norfolk, VA

Many people still need help supporting their families as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

“This pandemic has been rough for not just my family, but a lot of people out here in America,” says Derek. “Some people don't have no food. Some people still not working, or hours is cut.”

Karla, a single mom, made a career change to protect her family.

“I was a PCA nurse, but I chose to stop because I wanted to make sure I didn't come into contact with COVID,” says Karla. “I’m a cashier. It's full-time, but I took a pay cut. It's a struggle, but not gonna lie to you, I just pray."

A team of volunteers runs Victorious Living, an Operation Blessing partner. At their drive-thru distributions, volunteers place food directly into people’s cars.

Ministry Director Nathan Butler shares, “We have been of great impact to this community, and we thank God for Operation Blessing."

Patricia Holmes is a recipient, and a volunteer.

Patricia says, “I started volunteering because I was coming here anyway, so since I’m here, why not help out? It makes you feel hopeful and grateful that you can come down to this place and get food to eat, rather than going hungry and starving.”

“Thank you for doing this,” says Derek. “It is needed. I appreciate for what they are doing. It's wonderful.”

Karla says, “thank you. That's it. That's the only thing you can say is thank you, and keep being a blessing.”

Nathan says the ministry reaches some people right in their time of crisis.

“Every now and then, some people come up and they are angry,” says Nathan. You can see some frustration in them. They’re mad at their circumstance, and we give them a smile, and give them an extra dose of love – and maybe even give them an extra bag – and let them know that, hey we feel your pain. We're here to help you. But, most of all, good God Almighty, we're here to let you know that God loves you. He loves you, and He cares for you.”

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