700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Forced to Be The Family Servant

When Vivinah's parents died, she was taken in by her uncle, who made her the family servant.
“I was only three years old, but he made me do lots and lots of chores, like washing the dishes and cleaning the house,” Vivinah recalls.  “I got into trouble if I didn't do it all fast enough. He didn’t take good care of me, or let me go to school.”
When people saw how Vivinah was being treated, they contacted the Love and Blessing Children's Home. Her uncle let her go to the home, which was built entirely by Orphan's Promise. Here, Vivinah has grown up in a new home, where she isn't the servant girl.
“I’m really comfortable here,” says Vivinah.  “I go to school and I feel good about myself. The things I never had before, like good clothes, I am now able to get.”
Vivinah has thrived at this children's home. She's a very bright girl. Out of 350 students at her school, she ranks third.
“I know that I have a good future ahead of me.  As long as I can grow up here, I will enjoy my life,” Vivinah said.  “After school, I know I can be anything I want to be.”
Before we left, we took Vivinah shopping to get some school supplies for her and the other children. You can tell that all of the kids here are happy to have a home and an extended family of 50 brothers and sisters. They have hot meals every day, and people who care about them.
“I thank God for you, and I pray that he will help you take care of other children like me,” Vivinah says.  “Thank you!”

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